You are naughty.
You are naughty.
No, that was Pee Wee’s
How about the mom?
Makes me itch even more than the thought of laying on top of her in the first place....
Seriously? Seems like they ought to be able to find some exclusion for the consequences of the kid’s criminal behavior....
Whoa. Except for the hair color, almost a dead ringer...
She might need the help of Mrs. Blagojevich for that.
Ordering Domino’s when you’re a millionaire is 1st-Degree Stupidity in any country.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome + Alcoholism (at 14, maybe?) + Crazy, Wealthy Dad + Co-Dependent, Wealthy Mom + Texas
Hard to imagine how she’d get back to even in the Game of Life.
If it’s any consolation...
I wonder if Yelp or TripAdvisor would accept reviews of the Tarrant County jail..... hmmm...... ?? Under Dining or Accomodations?
Now, now. Let’s look on the bright side.
+1 Narcissists Exterminated by Advanced Society
Don’t loose too much sleep over it. You can bet the hairy pole of justice will make itself felt this time ‘round.