
Ok, Lucy, how bout some splainin?

Too many zeroes among them there commenters.

If, instead of puking his profound posterior pain all over social media, my nauseating namesake had bothered to listen to Green’s civilized comments after the game, he might not have missed the point that the Warriors’ treat every opponent with the respect due a potential streak-snapper.

Only way to get rid of Hardy.

They evolved to be like starfish in Texas.

At least he’s not (yet) quite as embarassing as the worst owners in other sports.

Good observation! (Even if it gives some of us a good feeling.....)

Couldn’t help but notice 6 hrs down the pike that you’re trailing 53-0.

Damn. A real yawner!

But he had the kid gloves on for this piece of promotional journalism.

God forbid the betting would dry up. Integrity, ho!

Funny how the fortunes of Bones & Johnni Fuctball keep crossing.

If your team had put up the Pats’ lame “New England” praise vid vs. the Bears’ “Super Bowl Shuffle,” featuring the Fridge, could you ever live it down?

Two questions:

That wood bee Yell.


Did they test-market “Nostril Pleasing”?

So ... if you don’t know a lick about wine, how does your bible suggest showing off your knowledge when, say, your priest or husband’s boss and his wife come for dinner?

hmmm ... All Republicans Grin Hideously?