
I'd say we are really lucky that there aren't any viable (or affordable) flying cars. First of all, I spent 20 years in LA on the freeways and, tho I love driving, felt I narrowly escaped death on a daily basis. I've been an advocate for mandatory driving tests every five years, but the administrative costs to pull

Hmmm. Unless there's lens distortion, I can't imagine that we're seeing Saturn itself in the background and its rings. The rings seem to be curving toward the camera, ergo Saturn would be behind the camera (our viewpoint) & we wouldn't see it. We would be between Saturn & the rings looking out toward space.

Giving away free books that are already available for free through the Gutenberg project? Whoa! What a deal!

Laugh if you'd like, but the actual story is quite sad. In the late 40s, the Furrbutt Quadruplets - Annie, Fanny, Mildred, and Flo - made quite a stir when they were delivered. A testament to the fertility drugs of the era, they were featured prominently in a LIFE Magazine article on the subject.

So, why was she talking to herself? No one else was around & she even stopped. Also, her fingers were gripped tighter than if she was using one of those hearing horns. Personally, I don't believe the hearing aid theory. The cell phone option is way more romantic, eh?

And what exactly did they use to cut it in half & how did they move it? Those are engineering feats in themselves!

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