
This is the fourth or fifth DESKTOPS ARE DEAD article I've seen recently, and yet mine STILL kicks ass.

Say, what's that widget on top? looks GREAT!

"senseless cheesedick bullshit kills"? You need to lay off the bulletstorm a bit, friend!

I think that it is becoming difficult to compare these things. Unlike smartphones, whose UI's must be relatively similar, due to their very nature, and PC's, whose UI's have been refined and streamlined to the point of sharing features, the tablet UI's we're talking about here are VERY different.

I know people are complaining about the dialogue, but I can't help feel that it's in there BECAUSE it is so over the top. The game is about space pirates on an abandoned pleasure world with borderlands-crazy bad guys. It FITS. And what's more, at times, it really REALLY helps liven everything up. Like when you see doesn't OWN Wintek. After reading it all over carefully, while Apple is indirectly responsible for creating such huge demand, Wintek decided to use hexyl hydride, not Apple.

Maybe this is some sort of advertising gimmick! You know, they'll get tons of free publicity for the god-awful new design, and when they bring back "Giz Classic" people will go crazy, like they did for Coke!

@Philosowaffle: A good friend of mine went through the Marine sniper school around 15 years ago and what you described was pretty close to his story. He said there were parts of the field where the grass was no more than 6 inches high. I don't remember the exact time, but I know it took him a few hours to cross. He

That's just amazing! 3 days later, he looks like he was never burned? I suppose the future of medicine starts here.

@Jackstick: Actually they didn't. The type of screw/bolt is for the most part independent of the type of driver needed. (machine screws can be philips, sloted, torx, tri-wing, triangle, pentalobe, etc.)

@Graviton1066: Anyone have any input on Virgin Mobile? You can get an Android phone with unlimited data/text/email plus 300 minutes of talk for $25 a month. I keep thinking there has to be a catch.

The relay for life t-shirt is sending some mixed signals.

A few rules of the internet for you, Mr. Redmond.

If the article hadn't told me one was Sony and one was Clearwire, I would have had no idea who either logo belonged to. I don't think I've ever seen either logo before today. If Sony wants to claim consumer confusion, would they have to prove people actually recognize their logo in the first place?

@Mattizzle: You are not alone. I thought it had potential, but ultimately failed horribly.

@wætherman: I love this idea. A cargo ship full of Marines would be quite the surprise for a boat of pirates.

What the BALLS google? Samsung had this beast ready and waiting and you still chose the Nexus S as a flagship? It's a nice phone, but this just clearly outstrips it.

Apart from Lady Gaga and Katy Perry, I have no idea who anyone in that video is. I don't know if I should be proud or ashamed.

Something about the shape of the door cutouts reminds me of the Warthog from Halo.

That Bioshock poster looks like it would make REALLY good viral marketing. Almost as good as the Arcadia Merlot washing up on shore.