
That video just reinforces my desire to buy a solar telescope. Amazing.

@Ghostnappa9001: Wikileaks used to seek to uncover corruption. But starting with the stolen diplomatic cables and followed by the list of strategic targets, they seem to have seriously lost their focus.

@Spartanical: Having lived 7 of the last 10 years in a town where the biggest employer was Hormel, and having a sister who worked several years in HR for a beef packing plant I have to stand by my estimate.

@Spartanical: Seeing as how most people who are currently doing this type of work are illegals, I doubt they have ever felt like they had much job security.

Are the auto complete results based on your geographic location? I tried to play at home and most of mine are different.

@ItsSoFluffy!!: I remember when I was a kid we were getting new wallpaper in the kitchen and there were a few day when the old paper was gone but the new paper hadn't been put up yet. Out Mom let us write and draw all over those walls. I'm pretty if that paper ever comes down, the person doing it is going to wonder

@Caturday Yet?: I feel sad for you. I take it you are not familiar with the story of that frog?

My last house had built in shelving in one of the closets. Shortly after moving in I noticed there was a full size door behind the shelving. There was no way to open the door without destroying the shelving so I cut a hole in it and crawled through hoping for treasure. All I found was a bit of unusable space, a lot of

Take one headlamp and one empty translucent nalgene style bottle (the soft kind, not lexan.) Place lit headlamp in bottle. Poof! Instant table lamp using stuff you are probably already carrying.

The video seems a little harsh. I saw nothing in that video that I would consider smoke and mirrors. What I saw were a few "not yets."

@Advancer: That's an interesting idea that actually holds true for me. I've been lost in the woods twice and both times I ended up way to the right of where I thought I was heading which would indicate a clockwise turn.

@tfskora: During this season of the year, people travel a LOT, so Giz is offering up some relevant news to those who may be of the opinion that the TSA is run by evil perverts. Or something less crazy. Whatever.

@Aquifel: I have an uncle who has worked for UPS for almost 20 years and based on what he's told me, basketball is a pretty good way to describe it. (Still, I've never had anything damaged by them)

@Aquifel: The thing is, you shouldn't care if a package gets flipped around a few times. Unless you are shipping liquid in poorly sealed containers, flips don't really matter. Think about a glass vase in a decently packed box. You can flip that box around 10-20 times and be pretty sure your vase is safe. Now slam

Looks to me like USPS is the winner, not UPS. For fragile items I'd be much more concerned with G spikes than changes in position. That chart shows me FedEx and UPS love to throw packages while USPS doesn't.

@Clashwerk: He's not my cousin, I've never met him.

@ifoughtthelaw: If the cat broke the skin, it is possible the gator could contract cat scratch fever.

@OMGItsWeasel: I think we're pretty much in agreement about pay. My point was they aren't really complaining about their job because it sucks so much they want to quit. They're complaining because they want people to know they aren't pervs and aren't getting pleasure out of touching strangers junk.

@OMGItsWeasel: It think the reason they are being vocal is they are getting tired of being called molesters. So they are becoming vocal and saying "hey we don't like this anymore than you do, so could you please hate the policy but not the workers who have to carry it out?" I will give em that.

@Whytookay - Zoom. Enhance!: It definitely doesn't make you a bad person. I'm 36 years old and I can easily say I've never laughed so hard for so long as I did on that day.