
@spannu: And don't forget, there are 4 days in each 24 hour rotation.

I heard a pretty interesting discussion of this a couple weeks ago. Rare earth is not really all that rare, it is found everywhere. We used to get much of our REEs from California and Australia. The reason most of it comes from China all comes down to cost. The process of mining it is extremely destructive to the

Very cool, I'd love to see the collection in person.

I just downloaded it and was pleasantly surprised at the new interface. With the disc you were limited to only the movies already in your instant queue. Now it lets me browse all movies available for streaming.

@drewmcd621: I think they both are F-22s. On both planes the trailing edge of the wings angle towards the back of the plane. The only other jet in the USAF inventory with a wing shape like that would be the F-35 and those aren't in active service yet.

I think this might actually be real. A .40 cal bullet fired at 1000 fps will be spinning at ~45000 RPM. A fired bullet is damn hot. Put a hot bullet on ice and it is going to create a thin layer of water between the bullet and the ice than would act as a lubricant for the spinning bullet.

@Ogbert: I don't think Sthompson was taking a shot at the game. Midna would yawn fairly often during the game.

@Canoehead: The only towed artillery piece I can think of was the "HAL" -Heavy Artillery Laser. (I'm not sure how a line of sight weapon = artillery, but that's what they called it.) I still have the entire Marvel run of GI Joe and loved this map of the pit.

I hope they find some way to differentiate items found from now on from items bought. I'm glad that new players can keep up with current weapons faster, but I enjoy random drops and crafting more than I would enjoy the hat of my dreams for 1.50 or whatever it is.

@freeasabird: You can still get item drops, and drop rates for things in the store will be higher than normal.

@Drogmir: If I had a star, I would promote this instantly.

@thepcguy: Witty! But that's not what I said. I said that unlike someone with no technical experience, a computer savvy user will check out reviews, specs, features, and other aspects of a piece of software before getting it.

@Destructerator: As AmpCrown has noted you are incorrect, but I think you raise a potential marketing issue for super wifi. If they advertise the requency I think you will have a lot of people shying away because it is "slower" than what they already have. Convincing someone it is faster even with the lower number on

This is the single greatest thing I've ever seen.

Interesting, I didn't realize all the varietys came from the same plant. I always assumed there was a family on 'tea' plants and the different plants accounted for the different teas. My wife is a huge fan of white teas. I'm simple and love good old Oolong.

@JonThomasDesigns: I love my ingenuiTEA for making hot tea leaf juice at work.