
Yeah, very strongly disagree. The tone of the show is different, but the plots are better (yes, even including all the Christopher stuff - at least they dealt with it once and for all). It’s true that nobody writes like ASP, but I feel like she went out of her way to screw things up as she walked out, and that’s

There’s also “The Shadow” from ‘94. That’s a more typical superhero kinda thing, and it did horribly at the box office.

“Deadline has a full transcription of his note, in case Marvel’s Twitter photo up above is hard to read?”

That’s cool, but I already started an“I Hate Myself And Want To Dye” linen store across the street.

Yeah, as I mentioned above, that comes directly from the Mark Lewisohn Recording Sessions book. So either a) the book is wrong, or b) Lennon overdubbed his part later.

Yeah, that comes from Lewisohn’s “Recording Sessions” book from ‘87. Highly likely he got it wrong.

Well, besides the songs Paul played on. “Back In The USSR,” “Dear Prudence,” and “The Ballad of John And Yoko,” officially. There were also rumors Paul would go in and replace Ringo’s drum parts after everyone had left for the day, on some songs. But that’s a rumor.

John wasn’t even present for the main tracking session for “Helter Skelter.” It was Paul, George and Ringo. George apparently lit an ashtray on fire and ran around the studio with it on his head. Sounds. . . unique?

He’s gotta be stopped. . . and I have to stop him.

It would have been hard to continue with the suit since, according to Carrey, he doesn’t exist and never did.

John Travolta.

Well, he made me believe he was Walt Disney, so this doesn’t seem too out there.

I like Superman II just fine, though admittedly I haven’t seen in in many, many years. But it’s a victim of circumstance - had Donner been allowed to finish the movie the way he’d wanted it to, we probably would have had a much better film that, combined with the first Superman, made a super compelling, exciting (if

Secretary of Homeland Security Sloth from the Goonies.

Oh absolutely. That movie is genuinely hilarious.

Also, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.


Fair point.

Oh wow. I had no idea she was that young when she wrote it. That really is impressive. Like, not “Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein when she was 18" amazing, but still pretty damn impressive.

Fuck that. Ralph Macchio’s career ended when he got arrested for shooting the clerk in Alabama.