Forgot to mention her emails. Rookie mistake.
Forgot to mention her emails. Rookie mistake.
There’s that $420 number again, Elon just won’t give it a rest...
Greenhouse gases exist even if you can’t see them.
Bingo. Cheaper to buy credits than actually produce cars and trucks that hit the targets set quite a while ago.
Last year, competing automakers paid Tesla $420 million to buy absolution because they were unable to meet the emissions mandate,”.
I don’t necessarily agree that Tesla should be the beneficiary of emissions credits, but the panicked shrill Appleton is both disingenuous and bad at math.
What’s the second lady doing down there? It can’t be too much of a mystery: she’s playing with his balls.
To be fair, TERFS are not just allies with the worst of humanity, they are another branch of the worst of humanity
There needs to be a statute of limitations on how long you can be punished for eating children. Have you eaten children since you started blogging for Jezebel? And even if so, have you eaten children while blogging for Jezebel?And even if you have, weren’t they bad children to begin with? I really don’t see how any of …
That’s exactly like saying “the American Medical Association is a political advocacy group, not a medical research journal” after the AMA endorses a healthcare policy proposal.
Even though they are a political advocacy group, they are guided by well-meaning scientists. Claims for political purposes can still be grounded in objective science, especially when scientists are the drivers of the organization.
Ah yes, the Union of Concerned Scientists is a political organization whose claims about science can’t be trusted, but the *checks notes* Wall Street Journal editorial board is an objective source that has no political agenda.
did you make a Kinja account just to “well ACTUALLY” the Union of Concerned Scientists?
People that are still trying to push the cobalt mining/dirty electric power plants narrative are people that are only looking for new excuses to not accept reality. These are the people that fed on the bogus “HUMMER IS CLEANER THAN PRIUS” BS until surprisingly recently. These are the people that don’t believe humanity…
64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.