
I get this from pretty much every video I do. I’m so confused. It’s just curly hair? I have a bald spot and a high hairline? I’m a weird looking guy? Is it really that hard to understand? It’s just hair. Isn’t it?

ok boomer

Well, LYFT always wanted to fuk UBER, so I guess they found the best way possible! “Ha Ha.  Try to get public now, losers”


and staring down a car full of pretty girls”.

Why aren’t they on trial? They commented crimes, against the man and the court.

I dislike the use of the quote “they’re all the goddamn same”. Yeah, they are more or less. Conventions are a business. You’re doing your cosplay as a business. If the conventions are were you have to go to flex your business and make money, boo hoo that they’re all the same - you’re doing this as a business.

People are trafficked into a lot of industries (hospitality, domestic labour, grooming and cosmetics)and no one’s suggesting making those things illegal.

Here’s a wild thought - maybe we could decriminalize sex work and keep trafficking of all kinds illegal? Maybe treat it as a crime on its own? Hey, then we could keep

The thing is - and I’m going to assume you are someone who legit just doesn’t know this, as opposed to Healing Crystals who is an out and proud SWERF and TERF - decriminalisation protects both sex workers AND trafficking victims. Peer support sex worker organisations clearly distinguish between sex workers and

This. Plus the increase in reporting crimes against sex workers when sex workers don’t have to worry about being arrest themselves is gonna lead to more reporting and provide a nice data artifact for the opposition. On this one, I tend to trust Amnesty as likely having the most realistic picture.

I have read that but I always wonder exactly HOW they arrive at the trafficked numbers and we’ve seen people explain just how screwed up those numbers can be when cops are involved and people are scared of getting in trouble. 

If they go around tranqulising all of the cougars they find, it’s really going to mess with the California dating scene.

The announcers further demonstrated their knowledge of history by predicting that the game would be a low-scoring battle, just like the War of 18-12.

I feel empowered to tell Ivanka Trump to fuck right off.

There are a lot of issues with the IRS, but collecting unpaid taxes from the estates of the extremely wealthy is not one of them.

If anything, estate taxes should be waaaaaaay higher than they are now.  I’d be fine with 90% on everything over $1M.  

Not really seeing how this is ghoulish. You gotta pay your taxes. Dying doesn’t erase your debt. 

No, I am your father.

It’s something fun to do if people are bored or seeking hints about events in the future. Often humans lack a broader perspective, so to them it seems everything happens at random (good or bad), so might as well look to the stars vs anything else. Also, people love finding out what “category” they fit in. They love