Ben C

Interesting. I’ve never considered that the centered, single rear wheel means it’s pretty much always right where you don’t want it to be in a lane for traction, ie oil, dirt, debris…

Nail, meet head.

I work in entertainment, and this is one of the realest and truest things I have heard someone in this industry say:

The F-Type is a good one to go out on. It’s always been so pretty. And in a museum it doesn’t have to work well. Everyone wins.

This whole take is ridiculous. If I wrote this, I’d be ashamed to put my name on it.

What a fucking child that man is.

This is precisely my thinking. A lot of these Cybertruck buyers are clearly first-time truck owners, especially given all their videos of the amazing things they can fit in the bed, which are clearly all things any truck could fit in the bed, usually with much greater ease.

It is pretty big when you see it in person. Videos of release events don’t give quite the same sense of scale.  (Of course, the measurements are published, but I suspect that many people don't know how many feet their vehicle is in each dimension.)

Yep you have to go to the linked article to see that. Also you can pretty much see anything from space these days, so I feel like that term is sort of outdated. It’s more like “you can see how full all of their lots are vs last year from satellite imagery” or something like that. But you know...clicks.

Another story I read about this last week included his complaint that they don’t allow you to test drive the vehicle in any way, so he couldn’t have foreseen the issue. Frankly though, I can’t think of any scenarios where people test drive to their own home to see if it fits in parking. Sounds more to me like a

Death of drivers hasn’t been a major contributing factor since the 1970s, champ. 

You could argue that perez’s performance has plateaued recently given the current car and teammate he’s judged by, but pre red bull he consistently outdrove the car he was in. Podiums with sauber and force india/racing point. Calling his entire career mediocre is ridiculous

The internet was a mistake.

Shut it down, folks, we have a winner!

This truck’s actual utility is informing those around you that you are a d-bag. 

I travel to developing countries and they aren’t going to be going EV anytime sooner, infrastructure just isn’t there.

Wait, TOYOTA is trying to save high revving NA gasoline engines, manual transmissions and all things Jalop?

Lighting a cigarette in perfect time with something exploding behind you is the coolest of the cool. This guy is still learning, but practice makes perfect they say!

Counterpoint: smoking is cool and potentially fatal explosions are an acceptable risk.

Regardless of the specific need for this thing, it’s a terrible move to simply brick something like this rather than opening it up for the community who did buy it to repurpose the device, especially since Spotify still exist as a company. (e.g. I can imagine that if they had gone bankrupt that there may not be