New Mexico is only great if you like beautiful landscapes, wide skies, clean air, delicious food, a MAJOR art scene, and rich cultural heritage. Otherwise it's just ok.
New Mexico is only great if you like beautiful landscapes, wide skies, clean air, delicious food, a MAJOR art scene, and rich cultural heritage. Otherwise it's just ok.
NM food needs more exposure... except I don't want to risk my 505 salsa getting even more expensive because now people from out of state know its good.
Don't sell NM short - they also have delicious (the best?) food. :)
I'm sorry, but .08-.1 is not french kissing a urinal. That's more the DANCING OMG stage. a bit after that is the I love you Man stage. You're not kissing a urinal until you're in the upper .2's.
I always tell my students: if you can find it on the internet, SO CAN I.
I can't abide the takedown of Brats. I'm not going to sit here and pretend like Brats should've been in the top 5, but I just hate your reasoning so much. I feel like I just read someone hating on Pastrami-on-Rye because all they did was buy Carl Buddig meat and put in two slices of Rye bread without anything else.
Yeah he knows Texas is as full of shit about BBQ as everything else.
Nonononononononono please stop putting rice in my burrito. "Putting rice in the burrito" should be code for something bad, like giving someone crabs. mean like India, who supplies about 85% of the U.K.'s edible food? (the other 15% coming from a crepe shack in Hampstead in London)
I love how some people don't understand what slut shaming is.
Because there's NO WAY Sinead staged a giant publicity stunt centered around the most talked about person in music right now so that we might, um, talk about Sinead again, right? No, this had absolutely no upside for her. /sarcasm
What the fuck is wrong with you people? Sinead pulls a classic slut shaming stunt and Miley is STILL your personal pinata?? What in the actual fuck you guys.
I can't believe I'm saying this but LEAVE MILEY ALONE ALREADY.
Don't you have an outfit that fits this description? I know that every weekend when I go out I'm wearing my most conservative mini-skirt along with my most demure fuck-me boots.
I like a girl that dresses on the conservative side. Not like a slut, and not anything weird. Just normal is fine. T-Shirt & Jeans are OK. But a girl in a dress really gets my heart racing! I also love it when a girl wears a mini skirt with boots, not cowboy boots, but sexy boots. Or high heels, I love spiked high…
I like you, Dodai Stewart, but I can't support you this time. You can't have this one both ways: either pop music created by non-dominant cultures is open to enjoyment and emulation by people outside that culture, or it is off limits to anyone not from that background and we therefor can't complain about limited sales…
What a douche. Dudes who like big girls like big girls because they are big girls and not because of any insecurity bullshit. We just like lots of boobs and belly and ass to look at and kiss.