Although I can’t seem to find it anymore, PBR had a pale ale out in 16oz cans that I actually really enjoyed. It was pretty much the same price as the normal stuff, and it tasted significantly better.
Although I can’t seem to find it anymore, PBR had a pale ale out in 16oz cans that I actually really enjoyed. It was pretty much the same price as the normal stuff, and it tasted significantly better.
heh, and me over here with my flip phone still
I stuff a lime into my Shiner Bock too. I used to joke that Shiner Bock was my favorite Mexican beer.
I’d also recommend ciders. It won’t help you like beer, BUT many bars will have one either on tap or at least will have Woodchuck or Angry Orchard these days. Way different than 10 years ago. Many liquor stores and even grocery stores or gas stations will have a basic one at least. So if you are taking a 6-pack over…
Shouldn’t you put Starship Troopers in here too? Or is it only ok to bash a directors take when they veer to the right of the source material? Asking as a liberal.
I don’t see anyone mentioning it, which is strange, because to me it is clear that this is going to be a 2 season arc (minimum). We probably will not get to the bombs next episode. For better or for worse, they have run out of ideas before they have run out of renewals. So they are changing tactics by necessity. Lets…
psh. have some green chile cheese fries (but get them here in new mexico) and then come crawling back. ill be waiting
I know it’s not like, true, correct gin, or whatever, but I loooove Rogue’s take. Decent price too.
One thing I loved that was so subtle was right after Dennis said “As a society, we decided thats not funny anymore” they cut to the clip of Charlie biting Santa...except this time they bleep ‘retard’ and leave all the ‘fuck’s uncensored!
seagrams 7 and lime lacroix. 7&7 without the cloying sweetness
mic drop done. im convinced
Since you asked, my favorite New Mexico rye is Taos White Lightning Rye
I mix Seagram’s Seven with La Croix Lime all the time - basically reminds me of a Seven&Seven that’s not super sweet or thick from syrup.
American Cheese is the only cheese to use on a Green Chile Cheeseburger, any new mexican will tell you
They do. Just finished watching it on mine. Channel 259. If you have a DVR and its connected to the internet you can find it on demand on 1259. Probably not for a week though.
dos anyone know why its only showing up half screen for me? cant see either goal
I’m honestly surprised the opening scene didn’t make it to your Stray Observations. The opening line alone, “Is it Tuesday?” errrgh So fucking meta and one of the reasons I love this show.
im not against it, but he looks close enough to jeff goldblum, who i think would do a way better job with the neurosis of dr suess
ok cant argue with that as i have a freezer full of bags right now lol