
I have to agree, but it’s also the most polished of then, and “feels better” playing, such quality of life improvements. Also, the world outside the dungeon was top notch.

The dark haired girl...

Etrian Odyssey IV was the prime of hardcore dungeon crawlers, we have peaked, everything from there will be downhill.

You keep track of models, not brands. You go after a GTX 1070, not “Extreme Gazillion Gaming Blaster GPU”.

Building is easy peasy. Good starts would be Linus Tech Tips (youtube channel), /r/buildapc/, /r/buildapcforme/ (if you’re feeling lazy), and one of the best tool available for 1st timers, (it checks if everything matches, from the motherboard chipset to the size of the fan). Also if you really build

Come back after playng the game just to say, fuck you, fuck this game, fuck everything. I’m worried sick about my friends, worried about me, worried about strangers i meet. God, i’m awfully broken after this. Never a game hit so hard like this one.


Not much, aside from better chat with discord and teamspeak. You can also run programs to track your DPS, albeit it’s a little “forbidden”, like, don’t brag about it and Square will ignore you.

It’s worth it. Playng with a contoller in my opinion is better even on the PC. And about the sub, the content makes up for it.

Get sued from the three. Lose to one, win two. Use the money of the two victories to pay for the defeat.

Ultra Balls and most itens are free. I can get something near 20 ultraballs in a bus ride in a big city (Rio de Janeiro) so it’s more a annoyance (a big one for sure) than game breaking.

One thing i can say, you REALLY DON’T want acid gas in yours lungs. Just believe me.

You waited for 10 years to make this joke?

As a brazillian guy, i can say that when we troll its on purpose. Many of us can at least understand english, and are reasonably good at the games, but sometimes watching you americans ragequit is funnier.
Ps.: my english inst perfect but i hope you can understand.