
Mushi Shi is chill as all get out if you just want solid series without an overarching story. My wife and I call it Anime X Files.

*Slow Clap*

Gamers: "We want games to be considered Art!"

I agree that the "strong woman" trope is not evident of an actually well-written female character, but I'm not sure your reference to Hunger Games is apt. As characters go, particularly in YA fiction, Katniss is a pretty solid three-dimensional character. She's got a good moral core, which makes her a likable

I've been trying to tell people that all day, but apparently Loot Cave was the only thing keeping the game afloat and now that it's gone Destiny is Destined to fail.

I don't know. I must be an oddball because I think that DmC is the best entry in the series since the first game. The gameplay was solid. And New Dante grew on me. He really does have a character arc that is alright.

Monsters was excellent and highly underrated. I'm not... not seeing the same 'flair' here.

Pfft... The Sims is a dumb girly game.

You know how if you watch an episode of Star Trek or whatever and there's a redshirt in a dangerous situation? They die and you aren't surprised at all and maybe even roll your eyes and say "ugh saw that coming a mile away". It would be nice for women to not be redshirts, so that countless stories don't start with

Lichdom, the linear first-person RPG where you play a badass battlemage, is now officially out on Steam after a nearly six-month early access period. If you liked playing a mage in Skyrim, you'll probably enjoy this. There's a new launch trailer, too. Like all good trailers, it has Two Steps From Hell. Watch it above.

Pffftt! This just looks like a reskin of Dark Souls...

Yeah, he calls every "cliche" a sin, then goes on to say, "Normally when A and B happen, you follow it up with C, only they didn't here," only to count that as a sin. He's overly critical of things most sane people wouldn't care about, just to get more "sins" in his count.

There are good F2P and bad F2P models, and the good ones aren't just "100% free." Good F2P models have fair payment systems

Clearly he fought for some hot plates

Did someone say hot cakes?

Oh for fuck's sake. Ever seen a Godzilla film? They're literally all like that. Even Final Wars focused on the humans the majority of the time.

He eat sushi from a pail... Jet Jaguar? Jet Jaguar! His mother never really loved him

Gojira I CHOOSE YOU!!!

For me it was "This, is a bucket"

What's with all the Social Justice Warriors picking fights with Ubisoft? This is like the absolute LAST game developer that the SJW/feminist crowd should ever be nitpicking and looking for something to bitch about. There are plenty of real issues concerning women found elsewhere.