I've been using sportstrack live for my rides. It's also compatible with some heart rate monitors, so it's great for interval training...when it connects. And the pro version is pretty cheap and not a monthly subscription like a lot of apps.
I've been using sportstrack live for my rides. It's also compatible with some heart rate monitors, so it's great for interval training...when it connects. And the pro version is pretty cheap and not a monthly subscription like a lot of apps.
Hmm...scale it down to a 5 gallon bucket and it would work quite well.
We've come a long way in the last 60 years. Hopefully, 60 years from now, being gay won't be stigmatized.
Simple things can definitely get complex. I completely agree that gay people should not be required, nor feel the pressure of coming out as a special occasion or a rite of passage, but they're getting a double-whammy in that not only are they a marginalized group, but their marginalized trait is invisible. And even…
But there's the problem. There's no option to come out as straight because society already thinks you're straight. If gay people don't come out, then gay people don't exist. There's a societal obligation to be visible and be normalized.
The gay obligation is that gay people have to make that decision.
The problem is that it it does matter from a societal standpoint. You might be fine with people assuming you're gay, but you're doing that from a position of strength because you're not not and, as such, you are the norm in society.
And if I'm a guy with a boyfriend, I have the choice between saying "no, I don't have a girlfriend" and knowing I lied by omission and that they'll assume I'm a lonely straight guy or "no, but I have a boyfriend" and knowing that a substantial portion of people who would ask that question will now define me as "that…
I get asked if I have a wife and/or kids all the time, not often by complete strangers, but by acquaintances, coworkers and people with whom I do business.
Adam: This is great. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Until you come out as straight, I'll just assume you're gay.
It's probably because a lot of us who grew up with the Muppets don't watch broadcast television any more. I didn't even know this was going to be on.
My preferred format would be:
In many states, but not all, you'd be wrong about being within your rights to destroy the pilot.
Good to know this is a nearly universal thing, at least in the Western world.
Hmm...okay. I embeded some here for you: http://photography.zvan.net/panoramas.html
Not sure this will work since one of my google accounts can't seem to see it because I haven't enabled it for the domain. But here's a photosphere taken with my Nexus 4. https://plus.google.com/photos?pid=593…
I usually just put one finger up. Not the one you're probably thinking because I'm not a dick. I love it when a bartender makes eye contact, nods, then walks away to serve the next person in their inner queue. That nod makes all the difference.
Yea. I always feel bad if the bartender looks directly at me then walks away because it makes me wave my arm next time.
Better, though less ballyhooed, is a headphone jack in the controller that, in conjunction with a change in the console's settings, can output all of a game's audio to controller-connected headphones, a trick most recently seen on the Wii U. Call that setting the Domestic Bliss option. Your most beloved housemates…