
This is MADE for the switch. Literally and like, emotionally.

MMLC1&2 to the Switch as well. With Amiibo Support.

Well yeah. I’m getting it on the Switch.

Everyone one of you that have been complaining about Capcom abandoning Mega Man better buy this game.


Who made this and what did they do with the real Capcom? And could they do the same with Konami, please?

Mega Man X Collection AND Mega Man 11....colour me genuinely surprised that Capcom actually seems to be righting the ship they all but sank a few years ago.

If I was putting on my game designer hat, I’d guess the cap exists to prevent players from grinding a ton against easy bots for fast credits. If I’m putting on my evil publisher hat, I’m keeping the cap so folks can run on the treadmill longer and get thirsty for our new, revamped microtransactions or whatever.


There is a difference between advising women not to let their guard down and saying that women who ostensibly have let their guard down are making excuses for fucking up when they get raped while their guard is down. Will I advise my daughter to be careful and not drink too much at parties lest she end up incapable of

You’re just bitter because he used that apostrophe and there wasn’t any punctuation left for the end of your sentence.

Would you know to shake the controller to go faster? That felt like the main purpose of the instruction, and at that point I don’t see why it hurts to include the main action.

"While consuming fewer calories can certainly have an impact..."