Ben A.

One thing I thought that a lady should keep on her key ring when she is at any gaming tournament is Sabre Pepper Gel in case a male competitor acts, talks, and behaves like a total perv. Especially, if a guy tries to touch her inappropriately. Pepper gel will mark the guy with die so that he can be identified by

I stopped playing Pokémon Go on my new Android smartphone after it said that the cemetery where I buried my Grandmother last year was a Pokéstop. That rattled me to the core. I also deleted the game off of my phone. I decided to buy a used copy of Pokémon Leaf Green at my local flea market and play that on my TV using

Now, if they could crack down on sexism in online gaming sessions. I can’t even get on PSN or XBOX Live with my girlfriend Kat while using headseats without other guys saying things to her like “You should be in the kitchen cooking my dinner.” or “I would like to take you out to the back of my van and bang you.” or

Now, if they could crack down on sexism in online gaming sessions. I can’t even get on PSN or XBOX Live with my girlfriend Kat while using headseats without other guys saying things to her like “You should be in the kitchen cooking my dinner.” or “I would like to take you out to the back of my van and bang you.” or