
Drive is a bad name. Normal people don't associate "drive" with hard drive, they associate it with driving a car. Which Google is also working on...

So when are they going to rebrand it from Xbox Kinect to Microsoft Kinect already?

It's only for people aged 18 or over.

The music doesn't "literally stop" because you then go down to the free plan where it would keep going, with occasional advertisements.

Kelly Hodgkins what an amazing fucking reporter.

If I was interviewing for a job and they said "we can't accept you, you were drunk at a party last weekend" I wouldn't want it anyway.

Not comparable. The issue here is that they were breaking the law by violating a superinjunction. Basically, if you leaked this secret, you would go to prison. It was so easy to find out on Twitter that people flaunted it, but it's still illegal.

@tastypotatoes: Unfriending someone on Facebook is essentially saying "I don't want you in my life anymore" even if you only sparsely communicate. It's the ultimate teenage insult.

@tomsomething: Free... you can pay for more, just like all other mobile broadband services