Ben Dover

the Stadium was only available since Vince McMahon cancelled his option on mid-October once he realized he'd be getting no free publicity out of that deal

@Artie Fufkin: well, like most Sons of the Confederacy, he started life with 2 first names. that's called "getting off on the wrong foot."

Rubio included 'Neckramento on his list- he's not nearly as bad as many of the other franchise-choosing prima donnas,

dude has stripper nails?

to be fair, chevy chase asking for a ruling was a wickedly dry line.

so who has to drive the '93 mercury cougar in the background?

@BruschisBrewsky: i guess "latent" means something different in your language

so, is 20 inches the biggest cock ever on a newborn? oh- the *baby* was 20 inches long. never mind.

Tommy, you make a fantastic point. But you do not fairly evaluate the alternative, which is not for these unbalanced stories to not be done, but for the bigger picture to be addressed. I mean, where has the LA Times been on all of this? Willfully asleep, of course, since USC glory sells papers.

Good for Delaware.

you mean to tell me Serbs- Hitler's preferred camp guards- seem prone to self-justified violent rage?

so people understand the true depths here, the Yankees are actually prohibiting "commoner" children from coming down to the field railing during batting practice to get player autographs. the royal children have them all to themselves, of course.

of course the Black woman is led away and the White woman keeps her seat in Dallas

@RoethlisBurger: Roger misunderestimate's Saddam Hussein er the American public's loathing of him.

ok, some meta:

so long as Dan Jenkins is with us, sportswriting isn''t dead, even if Jenkins stops writing. Cartwright, the hack, should know that of all people.

Help me out, guys-