
"Eli, here are the balls you requested for today's game. Pick 6"

Food for thought for the reviewer: If you meet one asshole, that person is probably an asshole. If everyone you meet is an asshole, perhaps it's a reflection of your own behavior. Try not being a total jerk everywhere you go and see if suddenly your service magically improves.

if you like that you should try PushBullet. You get the notifications, plus you can reply or initiate text messages, plus universal copy paste between phone and computer, plus, plus...

I feel you. I found it really therapeutic to get it all on paper. I'm saving it in my journal so I can reread when I'm feeling down.

I think all forums have to walk a fine line between being open and being useful. I do think the stack sites do as good a job as you can do with technical subjects (or Reddit for non-tech). And I do hate stupid q's that are easily explained by WikiP (i.e. what is a variable), as much as I hate condescending answers!

For people who don't know HS, this isn't super shocking in that a really bad initial draw for you coupled with a really good draw for your opponent can mean you are absolutely and royally screwed regardless of the decks involved. Cards help, but they're not the only determining factor in HS. Regardless, Amaz actually

It's a good thing Konrad had been a Dolphin. If he had been a Jet, they'd probably still be looking for him.

I am a total dork and tried to answer all of these questions independently to see if I could fall in love with myself.

Perhaps they sent the Vaseline because they know SweetWater drinkers always drink alone.

In case anyone is curious, the best price in the history for that 3TB drive on Amazon/Newegg is 109.99, so you're saving about $10 on each drive compared to the best price they've had.

lol... the "two cents" browser tab icon looks like butt cheeks.

Oh man- is the Aladdin the same as the game for SNES? I remember that game being so easy EXCEPT for that damn avoiding the lava on the magic carpet level

Don't forget librarians. We're trained expert searchers. If you have a specialist question, seek a library that specializes in that thing and send us an email with your question. If you've spent more than 5 minutes with Google, we'll figure out the rest for you.

I heard people tell me, "You're lazy," during my entire childhood. My mom said it. My school counselor said it. Please don't ever tell your children they're lazy. It makes their adult life hell.

I can be extremely lazy and unmotivated if I have too much on my plate. I'm a full time student, and last semester I had a job 6 days a week, all work days were in a row, where I had to wake up at 3 am and work till 1 pm, then immediately commute to school where I would have school from 3-11pm. It would take me an

Thanks for featuring my project Alan, I've got a lot of positive response from readers you sent my way!

My game of the year. Semi-co-op that simulates the best elements of survival horror.

If you want to buy into X-Wing with minimal investment for two players, and play the way the game was meant to be played:

This sums up my experience with the X-wing minis game