
I'm with AppleFanDan on this one. Apparently (John Gruber mentioned this a few days ago as well) you can still download Xcode via Apple's Dev site for free. It's a HUGE download (around 1GB+ last time I remember) but still free.

I'm glad you've finally found a financial institution that suits you!

Gray, I've got one word for you - especially coming from the droid community.

SBP, looks like that was one of the features EVERYONE wanted... although I'm with you.

These two GV extensions make using GV on the iPhone seamless. I absolutely love them and push them both hard to anyone who is even CONSIDERING the combination.

I'm with Ryan on this one. 8% is relatively conservative and in all actuality solid estimates (based on past growth, and while every financial advisor in the world will tell you that past growth is not an indication of future expectations) for all intents and purposes should be in the 10%-15% range.

I'm surprised that your previous credit union charged fees, from my experience credit unions are usually more understanding then the larger financial intuitions.

Chupacabras is detailing one school of thought although it is not the only one present!


I'm a big proponent of Dave Ramsey as well as freezing [] your credit reports. While not perfect, freezing your credit reports offers an additional layer of protection from identity theft because no new accounts can be opened in your name (clarification: most lenders require a glance at your credit

I've used this feature set since my first generation iPhone (I consistently jail break).

For those of you with hopes as high as "Buzz" you should check out for a new outlook on personal finance.

...or at least retirement on social security should scare the hell out of you!

I wouldn't call it a "legal way to evade taxes" since all of the dollars invested into a Roth have already been taxed, but it IS a good way to avoid taxation on future growth.

*edit* In addition, just purchased a Kensington 16GB SATA SSD from ([] for $53 with the intent of making this HTPC boot in 8-10 seconds or less (making it officially faster than the tube-TVs of old that took equally as long to fire up!).

Bought and paid for. Purchased a larger, different hard drive (WD Caviar 1TB) as well as the Antec Black Fusion case (super sexy and worth every penny - detailed and discussed further below).

@chucklebuck: Boxee advertises that you can stream from Netflix inside of their app - haven't tried it but I'll let everyone know if I get to it (busy busy)!

@Recky: Bought. Loaded Ubuntu on it and I'm still trying to get the remote and LCD to work...

@Rhapsodos: Definitely agree. The sub woofer is a must but we get great sound quality out of a set of BOSE with only 2 speakers and a sub.

@Bark28: Bark, I'm in a similar situation, (just built "mine very own" HTPC). I just took an old set of BOSE computer speakers (w/ sub) and plugged it right in to the 3.5mm jack on the side of the TV.