
Are Weir and Lipinski's ice dance commentaries available online?

I was about 40 when ER started, and I still try to convince people to watch it again, especially the first six seasons or so. It's amusing to read what teenagers thought of it at the time, but I'm always more interested in what you think of it NOW. When the great series are talked about — Sopranos, Breaking Bad, etc.

Daisy isn't at the bottom of the kitchen hierarchy. And she's made some progress in the course of the show. When we first saw her, she was laying the fire in the drawing room, carrying ashes, etc. — in other words, she was a scullery maid, the lowest of the low for female servants. Then she was a kitchen maid, at the

I'd add "Once & Again" to this list, if only they would release the third (final) season. Can't the AV Club use its influence to make this happen? Such a smart, funny, touching series, with great performances by Sela Ward, Billy Campbell, a young Evan Rachel Wood, as well as Patrick Dempsey, Eric Stolz, and the

Camryn's book "Wake Up, I'm Fat!" talks about her experiences on the show, including needing to clue Kelley in about what large women were really thinking and feeling, how they deal with discrimination in the workplace, etc.

The episode of The Practice that stands out in my memory is "Life Sentence," with Marlee Matlin and Camryn Manheim doing their scenes together in sign language. The story was about a mother who had shot down her daughter's rapist/murderer, and the courtroom scene where she describes this, all in sign language, is

At the risk of appearing bombastic, I have to point out that "bombastic" doesn't mean what you seem to think it means. It means pompous and pretentious. Which I don't think is how you meant to describe the pilot episode. Later episodes, on the other hand…..

I agree. The new layout is yelling at me. Please make it stop.

Aww, don't be mean to Marc Blucas! He did exactly what he was supposed to do — be Normal Guy, corn-fed Iowa boy, the sunny opposite to the brooding Billowing-Coat King of Pain. He was funny when it was called for, tragic in his downfall. Brett Dalton, as far as I can tell so far, is just dull.

Steve, wait and form your own opinion. I didn't find that WW diminished when Sorkin left, and indeed, I thought some things actually improved (fewer walk-and-talks, fewer circular conversations just to show off the writer's cleverness). The remaining seasons may surprise you.

Steve, wait and form your own opinion. I didn't find that WW diminished when Sorkin left, and indeed, I thought some things actually improved (fewer walk-and-talks, fewer circular conversations just to show off the writer's cleverness). The remaining seasons may surprise you.