Beloved Uncle

English Oceans is a phenomenal record, well beyond what most bands should be expected to produce 15 years into their existence. Nostalgia for the Isbell era is understandable but shouldn't cloud anyone's judgment of this new version of DBT. Hell, when Cooley is writing six of the 13 songs, and singing on a seventh,

Anyone here heard Todd Fancey's band Fancey? The album Schmancey is full of eerily-perfect 70's style AM soft rock, and is extremely listenable and mostly wonderful.

Challengers is probably the worst, actually, but JUST barely. It has been wrongly maligned since its release. I'm of the mind that Electric Version is the best, Twin Cinema and Together are both 'A's and Mass Romantic and Challengers are 'A-'s at worst.

The Slow Wonder is great, and I actually prefer Get Guilty a little bit. It just hits my listening sweet spot for some reason.

Wrong. (About "Chump Change")

This is a hilarious review to read in hindsight, as the songs/voices of Cooley and Isbell are what elevates DBT from a really good band to a great one.

Do you have the Deluxe Edition (I think 10th anniversary) with the bonus disc of outtakes and songs from those sessions? It's phenomenal.

I remember reading that story (was it in the Wilco book?) about how Tweedy and the band were sitting in the van on the A.M. tour listening to Trace for the first time, and they were blown away. You have to think it lit a fire under Tweedy just a little.

I caught Isbell and his band at a sparsely-attended festival in Fort Lauderdale in December. Walked right up to the stage for his set. He killed.

Love Isbell and yes, Southeastern is fantastic. Actually saw Isbell open for Son Volt in 2007 I think, before I knew who he was. He was great then and I was hooked.

Agreed on Still Feel Gone being a tad better, although "Factory Belt" from ND is my favorite Tupelo song.

1. Trace
2. Strangers Almanac
3. Tomorrow the Green Grass
4. Too Far to Care
5. Anodyne/Still Feel Gone (tie)

Trace is ridiculously good. Like, shot-into-space-in-a-time-capsule good.

And I'm actually in the Still Feel Gone camp (a desolate, lonely camp). Not a bad band, eh?

I'm with you on this. They mentioned early on that the surprise party was at 7 pm… so Nick planned it perfectly so she would run off to the right movie theater's 7 pm show? Or was the party supposed to be at the apartment? This was almost like the conclusion of a completely different episode was tacked on to this one.

I guess I must have missed that part in the episode when they made it clear that it was Nick's plan all along. If he said it was his plan, the show certainly didn't show it. Or did it? Honest question. I might have missed it from laughing over things.

Wow, what a great episode. Laughed more in this half hour than in the rest of this season combined, perhaps. Only groan was when Nick showed up on the movie screen. How the hell was he able to pull that off from the time he read the note, to getting everyone in the theater without Jess, who was in the lobby, seeing

I think this one would have been a lot better received if it was Disc 4 of Tracks II. Bruce easily has enough in the vaults to put out another four-disc Tracks, and this would have done the trick nicely as his 21st century period disc.

Hmm. D&D is hit or miss, but I love Ghost of Tom Joad. Gorgeous and haunting.

The correct term is POUR all over Nebraska.