Beloved Uncle

No review of The Ties That Bind box set, but news items about a new tour and future possible solo album. Not sure what this says about either Bruce or this website, but it's weird.

I feel like there have been very few phrases typed on the internet more often than "Pearl Jam formed from the ashes of Mother Love Bone".

Gigantic Springsteen nerd here, and Ghost of Tom Joad is my third-favorite record of his after Darkness and Tunnel of Love. Hard to explain why, other than the mid 90s was when I started digging into his stuff on a deeper level than Glory Days and Born to Run, so I remember being struck by the sadness and beauty of

Live Isbell is what makes him so great. More raucous, surprising and impressive seeing his chops up close.

This is indeed an excellent record, making up for what it lacks in surprises with confidence. Isbell has mastered his thing, which is sparse arrangements and melodies and interesting lyrics, carried by that voice. There are a handful of subtle classics here, but the most jarring moment is when "Palmetto Rose" turns

The Exorcist is much easier to watch if you pretend that Regan is possessed by Al Swearengen instead.

Instead of a preview of next week, this show needs a blooper reel to relieve the tension. It's unbearable.

Rear View Mirror was my intro to Van Zandt, so those versions will always be like a comfortable pillow to me, but Old Quarter is indeed excellent. Some of the things done to Townes' songs on his studio albums were strange at best. Live and unadorned, he became otherworldly.

During the scene from the above photo, I found it an interesting choice when Philip looked at the bomb in the bag and said "This one goes to 11".

A ridiculously good hour of television. One of the best episodes of the series.

I often think about how and where Elizabeth and Phillip change into their wigs and stuff. Do they go to a safe house every time? Somewhere where no one would see a man with thinning hair go in and a Clark walk out? Do they change in their cars? Phonebooths?

Slower burn this season. Less thrilling setpieces, but still the same superb acting, directing and layering. Something has to give with Martha soon, no? It doesn't even seem, though, like the season is building to anything major with her or even Paige. All things point to something happening with Phillip by the end of

I just finished the series last night, so wow. I'm glad I stuck with it. I didn't like Season 1, and barely got through 2. I was rolling my eyes at the after-school-special arcs of every episode, annoyed at Matt Saracen's stuttering of every line, and outright laughing at the things that would happen in the football

I'm now actively angry that this show is ending after this season. It's so damn good.

We'll look back on this show as a powerhouse and wonder how and why the ratings were never great… Poehler, Offerman, Pratt, Scott, Jones, Lowe, Ansari, Plaza, Retta, O'Heir. It doesn't seem a show with that talent on the acting side alone should fail. Reduced to a shortened season in it's final one is a final

Lots of good stuff here, everyone, but sorry, the song of the year is "L.A. Deli".

1. Boys and Girls
2. Separation Sunday
3. Stay Positive
4. Almost Killed Me
5. Heaven is Whenever
6. Teeth Dreams

His last several solo albums have been a little disappointing. But if you go in with no expectations, like with his Easy Tiger B-sides compilation III/IV, you can be pleasantly surprised. That double album was actually a lot of fun and kind of freaky how good the songs were for a bunch of throwaways.

The Slow Wonder has the most New Pornographers type songs on it. Get Guilty is a master class in songcraft.

Impossible task, but here goes:
1. Sing Me Spanish Techno
2. Crash Years
3. My Rights Versus Yours
4. From Blown Speakers
5. Up in the Dark
6. Bleeding Heart Show
7. A Bite Out of My Bed
8. The Body Says No
9. Sweet Talk, Sweet Talk
10. Ballad of a Comeback Kid