What I love is that a person can be an anonymous douche bag on Twitter one minute and the next minute they're being called out for others to marvel at said douche baggery (it's a word, you'll just have to trust me). Jezebel - outing assholes one tweet at a time!!
Sad thing is, as the video was playing I caught myself telling the person doing the "correcting" what should be done next to make her look "better". If I had seen this video without the photo shop element, it would never occurred to me that there was anything this woman would need "corrected".
Hell, I think this makes me feel worse. Now, I get to see that even with no photoshop or hair/make-up artists to help her out, she is STILL more beautiful than I could ever be if I did have photoshop, hair/make-up artists. That said, it is a step in the right direction.