Big fan of Dead Space 2's Ring around the Rosie
Big fan of Dead Space 2's Ring around the Rosie
Big fan of Dead Space 2's Ring around the Rosie
I believe she is cosplaying as Sylvanas Windrunner
Meh. Not for full price.
No they aren't nearly as bad as every body is saying. It's decent at best. Lots of people find them enjoyable. I know I can at least play through it once. Can't do that for most CoD campaigns, they bore me to tears.
Since I waited till the last minute, I went to a halloween party as a hipster. V-neck tshirt, tightest jeans I own, scarf, slick parted hair, thick buddy holly glasses and some tattoo arm sleeves I bought at a costume store for 8 bucks (i don't think i have very muscled arms, but these were skin-tight to the point of…
Did... did people expect it to be some amazing, riveting military drama?
October 29th is a Tuesday. :)
Something in my eye...
Yeah, DS3 is a really pretty game.
Not a fan of the dubstep.
Avatars aren't going anywhere.
Tell that to my feet.
Wow, that smiling guy with braces and the curly hair looks almost exactly how I looked when I was 16....
First thing I thought of too.
Oh, so you're from the future then? Cool.
That's pretty much exactly what it is.