
...and then he promptly get's murdered by a Berserker a few missions later.

Same reason why Ironside wasn't picked to do the new Splintercell. For whatever reason they feel having the voice actors do all the mo-cap adds much more to it (it does to a degree, yes) so they have to settle with new younger voice actors who're able to move like the character's they're portraying.

So far it looks easy and dumbed down for the masses, which is why fans are undecided about it.

It's apparently pretty damn popular in Russia right now.

He's talking about the singleplayer campaign. There's a chinese agent that runs around with your squad at some point.

Oooo... too difficult to choose. It's between either KitKats or a Reese's Peanutbutter cups.

I love me some Gundam... but ugh... that overdone Medabots concept.

Yep! Endwar was pretty cool.

Macross Plus dubbed was actually the last VHS I ever bought. :)

double post :(

Nvidia. Always Nvidia.

"Wait to Respawn"

Grave's are meant for the living; they help us cope with loss and death. While the parents of said kid are perfectly in their right to do what they will, I just think it's strange the length people will go to for the memory of a person. The psychological aspects of thanatology is interesting stuff.

I'd be very surprised if they don't port it to next-gen at some point, specially with it being right around the corner. I mean they said they're going all out for the PC version, so why not.

Oh man, if you could jump on enemies in G&G that would have made it a lot easier. :\

It's a pretty decent action rpg, tbh.


They've said there will be a face customizer and you can take your character's helm off when you're in The City.