Ábel Misha Gille Esbenshade

fair enough

just for the record: "oops, my bad"

Yep I get it, it's sarcasm. Sorrrrryyy

well that's embarassing

yeah that up there was my first comment, what was I thinking! I guess I've learned my lesson: never post a comment unless you've posted one before!

tone-deaf seems a bit harsh considering I was only asking if anyone else agreed with my opinion. I just haven't seen this "steampunk" idea backed up anywhere else on the internet and thought I might see what other people here think given that no one else seemed to express doubts about this assertion. I wasn't aware

Pardon me, I thought this was a place for anyone to post their opinions, not an exclusive community of people who always adhere to the "tone of the room."

Yes, I'm new here but I recognize these little "hints" hollywood drops on us and this honestly seems a bit far-fetched and silly. Especially given the implications suggested. I mean yes he's J. J. Abrams he's bound to change things but not anything of such a colossal nature. I mean seriously steampunk in the star wars

Does anyone else think its a bit of a stretch to think that just because he said "full steam ahead," he's going to completely change everything to steam power.