For Whom the Bell Lulz

Yeah, those cops were real pieces of shit for not handing over their bottle of champaign to a stranger who just wanted to pull it from their hands.

I’m not going to take sides on this one, rather I’m going to be of the opinion that everyone involved in this story is a bag of shit. Including the people that work at a club called “recess”

I’m thrilled I live in the DC market and got BOTH the Jacoby and Tyson ads, both of which caused my 12 year-old son to look at me and say “what the hell was that?” They were aired within minutes of each other and were the most exciting part of the entire game, halftime show included.

Man, this article is just full of ads telling people to get fucked.

And if anyone knows the difference between legal and right, it’s a personal injury lawyer.

+1 hobo stick

Chip Kelly is racist

Man I got tired just watching them rush Newton. They were relentless.

Literally everyone you know [who has told you a dumb story from their teen years] has a dumb story from their teen years.

I’m not going to jump to any conclusions until I have all the facts, but it appears that Eisenhauer made two mistakes. The first is that he senselessly and maliciously murdered a 13 year old girl. The second is that he did not attempt to run from the police.