Belly Button Lint Connoisseur

Well first of all, I warned you not to scroll down here! Tons of people in Europe and Australia have been playing the game for over a week and some have even asked me to give them a place on Kotaku to talk about the ending, which is worthy of discussion. So here is that place.

The kind with tomato (a very juicy fruit) sauce

Literally nothing makes you people happy.

You thought you could pay $5 once and get hundreds of games permanently?

That’s the funny thing... I didn’t have to take one myself for it drop a bomb in my life.

Can FIFA’s real world corruption be SO intense, that it actually extends to eSports?

I see the value, but can I just say something as someone who ALSO got a very unpleasant surprise from a DNA test?

That’s exactly what a person who has the coronavirus would say. Try again.

The maple back chicken one does look interesting.  I might have to give that one a try.

Honestly, shia>>>short round

this Batman may be grimmer and grittier

That thing you do

I think it’s just the juxtaposition of several factual things—she was an “ex” fiance, she was murdered, production of his show is shutting down—in one line that is making it feel that way. I don’t actually think the AV Club is implying that.

That was I was thinking too. LMAO

As someone who will likely vote for Sanders in the primary unless Warren gets back into it, fuck Chapo and their ‘vote Bernie or else’ bullshit.

I’m not sure if it’s actually possible for Popstar to be a better movie. It’s basically already the best movie.

Wasn’t part of Suicide Squad’s trouble that it had a dark-comedy trailer cut for a grittier film, so they ended up going back to try and rework the film to be like the trailer? Whereas this seems to have had its tone properly decided from the beginning.

Sure, but you gotta admit “The problem was that at the time CD-ROMS were very slow and they didn’t know how the game would run on them or if it was even would be playable. At the time they couldn’t just burn it onto a CD and test so they had to program it on hard drives and come up with cool ways for the data to

Your run to the dictionary was pre-called out in the article. You’re not as clever as you think

There’s a difference between someone who lived a long full life, maybe had been ill for some time, and hadn’t been in the public eye in years or decades and a fairly young man dying suddenly in a tragic accident who’d only receded from public eye recently.