Belly Button Lint Connoisseur

To their credit, I definitely don’t think they expected a major celeb to die in an especially tragic way, much less one that involved a vehicle crashing in desert-like terrain.

Yep. It’s a dude dressed as a bat, at least two antagonists basically dressed as clowns, and another antagonist wearing question marks all over his suit; it’s just not a hibrow setup. The Gotham tv show was my threshold for grittiness, anything beyond that is taking itself way too seriously.

There’s no such thing as the best picture/director/etc. of the year. That’s not how art/culture works.

I put it this way: services for consumption, physical for curation. These are the movies/shows I want with me no matter even when these streaming services go down or the licenses expire.

It better be on Blu Ray, bruh.

Hopefully '6 Underground' will also be released. I like it when there's an equal number of Scorsese and Bay movies in the Criterion Collection.

I look forward to meeting the Nancy of Steel, Nancyborg, the Enancicator, and of course, Nancy Boy.

Obviously she’ll come back as four different Nancys Drew in a few months.

Poor Ewan...

Reread The Call of Cthulu and pay attention to his descriptions of people, you’ll notice that it’s not as separate from his writings as you think.

Lovecraftian describes a certain style of cosmic horror and weird fiction popularized but not created or pioneered by Lovecraft. Many authors writing similar stories before, during, and after his career were much better. But, Lovecraft had lore, and nerds fucking love lore.

But the first thing people think about with Apu is the over-the-top voice.

*Doesn’t need to check notes*

Am I the only one who didn’t see any version of this show (another showrunner, minority showrunner, black writing staff, etc.) working? An America where slavery still exists? Slavery DOES still exist, it’s just been rebranded. As the article mentions, no version of this concept is not #slaveporn

And nothing of value was lost.

Case in point, there’s no “Godfather” of comedy movies

Why is it that no writer at any point was ever willing to just commit to Kylo being a villain? He’s a wretched little rat bastard, he doesn’t need redemption just because his grandad did. Just let him be evil!

I sincerely think Green Book won as a means for some Academy Voters to spite the #OscarsSoWhite crowd.

The script for TLJ was completed a month before TFA even hit theaters.  What fandom shipping are you talking about?

I felt the same way about The Last Jedi, but the consensus was that that made me a bad person. Why is it okay to not like Rise of Skywalker (which I did, actually, enjoy), and not okay to not like Last Jedi?

And Iron Fist!