Belly Button Lint Connoisseur

If mean, if you’re going to be an old white guy fired from your TV job for doing something controversial, criticizing the NFL is probably the least horrifying thing you can do.

Feeling guilt doesn’t absolve you of what you did bro. What are you doing now to help those who really are ill? Are you making a donation? Are your future donations going to those who truly need it?

“I am of the opinion you should be able to joke about anything you want as long as it’s funny, but in this case, it really wasn’t funny,” he said. “I really don’t have an excuse. I mean, what can I say, I just really love the feeling of taking someone for a ride.”

Racists don’t make out with the race that they hate, especially in the way he does with his tongue—so deep down her throat.

I’m conflicted on this story.

You racists really need to work on your reading comprehension skills.

I was excited until it got to “CBS Streaming.”  Fuck that - there are too many streaming networks already.

“I’d be inclined to not assume Liam Neeson is still a racist”

Nah, it would have been a hate crime. If he had gone out and hunted the specific black man, maybe I’d so it was a crime of passion. He was just going to take it out on the first black man he could get away with claiming self-defense. That’s the hate crime. 

How would singling out a potential victim based upon his race not be a hate crime?

It fucking what now? Hunting down and targeting a person to murder simply for being black is absolutely a hate crime.

MAGA Country? I thought Chicago was the lawless murder capital that proves gun control doesn’t work? Which is it!?

Well, if you’re asking what I mean by bad, that might be a clue to how someone might be able to read the article.

I’m sure someone will point this out below, but Disney has been doing gangbusters with big-budget movie musicals. “Let it Go” alone is one of the best-staged and best-produced sequences in movie musical history.

Add the Coen Brothers into the conversation. I can’t think of one sequence that moves the plot forward in anything they’ve done (with one exception) but they’re all pretty great. The one exception I can think of right off the bat is Llewyn’s song to his father in Inside Llewyn’s Davis. The O Brother sequences are all

Any director and editor who want to cut together a great musical number need to watch Cabaret, take notes, and not be under the delusion that they can improve on that.

How can this be Oscar nominated when there are moments of sub par CGI-

I don’t love all of the same movies as Ehrlich, not by a long shot, but how is this “disappointing”? You don’t have four or five movies you really liked in this group of 25? Were you looking for a twist ending?