Belly Button Lint Connoisseur

...and the cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon...

It isn’t a “stand,” it is examining something fundamental about the place he wants to depict. This is not “neutrality,” this is forcing your preferred form into a situation that will cause you to miss an elemental part of your subject.

Yeah, they don’t talk about (something Internet People are upset about) structural racism because “Monrovia, Indiana, with a population of less than 2,000 that, according to the most recent decennial census, is 97.3 percent white. It’s in a county that Trump won by 56 points.” Of course they think it’s overblown when

I’m actually from one of those small towns, and you know what? Their relentless insistence on apoliticism in their media is a WAY bigger bubble than one coastal people supposedly live in, AND only helps those in power

I think a lot of viewers would have trouble watching a quintessential small-town-america doc without thinking of the ways small-town-america has taken on abstract political significance. Whether and how this film plays into that strikes me as fair. But that’s onoy my perspective :]

There’s a lot of boilerplate in this movie but I have no trouble believing record-exec types would not be on board with a six-minute single. I feel like that’s probably still the case now!

Your reaction to this piece is so ... odd. You understand that criticism isn’t necessarily “right or wrong,” right? I mean, a movie isn’t objectively good or bad. That’s not a thing. Dowd’s opinion - and it is exactly that, an opinion - differs from others, but that doesn’t make it somehow incorrect. Are you mad that

I see what’s in your mind.... And it, is, STUPID!

A buddy of mine saw Kylo Ren take his shirt off in the shower, and he said that Kylo Ren had an 8 pack. That Kylo Ren was shredded...

Or stop using ‘lynching’ for every mild inconvenience these famous sex pests are exposed to? Instead?

It’s a racist metaphor. But then, misogyists tend to be racists, too. Apparently, Bardem is both. Good riddance to him.

There is no colloquial or metaphorical use of the word “lynching” aside from really fucking stupid people who aren’t African American. Lynching isn’t something that happened hundreds of years ago in a land far, far away. It’s a term that describes a very specific form of murder that still living people had to see

Maybe you could catch on that downplaying the use of the word “lynching” in regards to a white, privileged, American male who most certainly did a really heinous thing for which he’s pretty much never faced any consequences makes you an asshole.

Since the crime happened in Connecticut, NYPD was never involved in any investigation. Allen was never exonerated because there was corroborating evidence. The case didn’t go to trial because the prosecutor felt Dylan was too fragile to withstand testifying.

You’re literally a douche bag.

Tbf he’s the best villain Star Wars has ever gotten. And he’s miles better than any other movie villain in the last decade, except for maybe Michael B Jordan’s character in Black Panther

Wow. That’s some of the dumbest bullshit I’ve ever seen here’s which is saying something. Did they also force the cocaine, booze, methadone and ecstasy that the autopsy revealed was in her system down her throat too!?!

This is a dumb comment and you should feel bad. 

“Privilege” as a verb meaning to grant preference or priority has been used for centuries. 

I’m amazed at how controversial the statement of “If you invent something, you should probably get credit/acknowledgement for it” apparently is, but that’s my fault for once again underestimating Gamers.