Belly Button Lint Connoisseur

Please, tell me more about why the AV Club shouldn’t be biased against racists and admitted rapists and misogynists and transphobes.

Correction: Disney already knew about the tweets, Gunn had already apologized for them and everyone moved on.

This article is lacking a whole bunch of context about Cernovich and how evil he is and why there needs to be planet-sized grains of salt taken with whatever he says. Polygon has some better background information about this. Essentially, admitted rapist Cernovich has been on a tear trying to “prove” the “existence”

Disney just further emboldened conservatives everywhere to pull off more hit jobs like this. They should have at least taken some time to “investigate” before firing. Disney screwed up big time here. 

For the rest of the century, conservatives have their playbook and it’s fucking Gamergate.

This show never did it for me (which didn’t stop me from watching all of it). The Jedis were lousy at their job, everyone was incompetent at war (and most other things), Kenobi is always getting his ass kicked and falling for traps, and I hate the animation style. One part that I did like was the clones themselves,

Wow, what a surprise, a bunch of misogynistic nerdbros think the only Disney Star Wars film with a male lead is the best one. Shocking.

I didn’t hate Rogue One but did anyone really want it?

Red Letter Media really said that? That’s hilarious. A few months ago, all I saw was dickbags jerking themselves off to how RLM was going to trash that movie. Fantastic.

Thank God an expert showed up. Previously we were stuck taking the word of the woman this experience actually happened to.

this is gross. everything you wrote here is just mindlessly paternalistic garbage. 

“TLDR: Female, know your place and keep quiet.”

Didn’t take long to find the worst take ever.

He’s already got the cancer, it’s not like he can get more cancer.

You missed my point: admitting wanting to give something a good grade and not doing so shows that bias isn’t strong enough to overcome a bad film - they gave Oceans 8 a C.

Or it could be that women relate more to stories told by women and men don’t. It’s not always some crazy conspiracy to hate men. I think it shows the importance of diversification in criticism as different stories are more likely to get told now. What’s good to men and women could differ as stories are told for

It is interesting how there’s this reputation of “the book is always better,” but there are plenty of examples of masterpiece films that arose from tepid literature. Wise Guy isn’t a bad book, for example, but there’s so much life in Goodfellas that you can’t compare the two. I guess it just comes down to which is

Why don’t all directors do this? It’s essentially making better movies for lower budgets.”

Did you not see the reception to the 2014 Godzilla movie? People don’t want that anymore.