Belly Button Lint Connoisseur

Awfulness aside, that the brewery isn’t in Flint or even Michigan sticks in my craw even more. So not only are they trying to profit off something horrible, but they’re not even part of or connected to the community dealing with it. At least then they could try to make the claim that those affected by a thing are

I don’t think it’s necessary to fix a problem before calling out people who are making it worse, though.

Why are people such assholes?

Ha ha, it’s funny that poor people are suffering, and disproportionately across racial lines!” - their creativity meeting.

Obviously these people are assholes but you have to be special kind of stupid to name a beer after poisoned water. That’s like calling your new flavor of vape liquid “mustard gas.

I wish they hadn’t. I mean, I get why they did it, but I was about to leave that theater high on the good vibes ending. :(

So your parents projected their personal horseshit on you, got it.

Wow, what dumbass hot take this was.


Or, you know, don’t care about what other kids are named, especially when they aren’t out of the ordinary?

Been saying the exact same thing since Cop Out.

I first saw Star Wars on a cable marathon in 1995, missing all of Empire and the first 45 minutes of Jedi. So when I saw this scene, 7 year old me thought Luke’s aggression was somehow physically causing him to turn into Darth Vader. Also, when the Emperor first mentions Vader’s son, I was gleefully picturing a

Also, he wavered on Darth, too. Let’s not forget that he did have that exact same look on his face when he realized that he was about to murder his dad that he did when he realized he was about to murder his nephew. (Have I mentioned how damn much I love Mark Hamill’s acting choices in TLJ?)

if he was wise enough to see the goodness in Darth Vader, why couldn’t he do the same for teenage Ben Solo?

Wait, there are people who don’t already know this?? It was obvious to me the first time I saw it in the theater and I was five years old at the time. Luke looks down at his mechanical hand, realizing that he’ll become like Vader if he kills him.

Andre Braugher being snubbed AGAIN is something I’m rather perturbed about.

Not enough nominations for The Good Place

Exactly. It’s like he views himself as a WWE wrestler role-playing a drama, except he’s the only one in on it, and he thinks that vindicates him.

We had to read “Gone With The Wind” in 8th grade. Any time the n-word was addressed in a passage, it was made clear it was a hateful racial epithet unacceptable to be used in casual conversation. And you know it didn’t even come up that often. Life, and school, went on.

Nah I see what the guy is saying. I never got upset at villains on TV shows until Captain Cold came to my house and froze all my soup, but it was my own fault for watching The Flash and being a part of that community.