Belly Button Lint Connoisseur

So, here’s the thing about using etymological evolution as a defense for present use of an offensive term:

Yes, all of the profane words in the English language at one point or another had a polite, socially acceptable use. Many of the offensive terms (though not all of them, obviously) did as well.

These terms came to

I guarantee a good number of them are pissed about adding another black guy.

Yeah, I think the franchise will be fine without them.

“I’m sick of being labelled a sexist for disliking a movie. Here’s a bunch of vague criticisms that I hope will distract from my desire for this movie to be exactly like the fanfic I wrote 15 minutes after seeing TFA” is the worst fucking thing right now.

There was a second spitter!

“no resemblance whatsoever”

This film is superior to Avengers: Infinity War! Instead of trying to condense multiple movies into one for an epic crossover event whose ending is undercut by Marvel Studios’ release schedule, Ant-Man & Also The Wasp focuses on being a single movie of modest ambition that it completely aces. Director Peyton Reed

Seriously. It’s like so many of them get their opinions from 8 hour “WHY ____ SUCKS” Youtube videos.

Well it looks like one more person will be endlessly harassed by Star Wars fanboys who just wanted to see Luke murder people.

Took me a moment to realise this wasn’t a complaint about the country.

Ahh, a fellow Chicagoland filmgoer that knows what theatres to avoid. I do go to River East 21 only for the fact they haven't 100% integrated reserved seating and I can buy a ticket for one flick and casually saunter into another.

Hm. How much is this just her feeling like she has to avoid looking ambitious/careerist, you wonder?

I don’t doubt that might be the reason Scarlet Johannson was cast, but it seems like a pretty flawed strategy now.  Casting Scarjo didnt do Ghost in the Shell any favors.

ICE is less than 20 years old. Believe it or not, we had immigration enforcement 21+ years ago, and we’d have it again if the neo-Gestapo was dismantled.

Because we don’t need- and didn’t have prior to 2003- a separate internal law enforcement group whose only purpose is to use draconian techniques to hunt down people who are breaking one type of law.

Thanks for bringing up the last thing I give a shit about when determining my interest in a film.


We do not take this course lightly.

I have recently adopted Giant Bomb’s ethos of “play until you’ve gotten what you want out a game, then move on”. I am much happier now, able to ignore the pleading, wide-eyed boxes in my game rack. And I still finish big games if I’m into them- AC: Origins, BotW, GoW, Nier, just this calendar year. Of course the list

Without knowing all the details, it’s hard to unequivocally take one side or the other here.