Belly Button Lint Connoisseur

So the dude can add ‘self indulgent’ to the list of weaknesses.

The first date should always be something simple, preferably coffee in a quiet, chill cafe. Even if the guy ends up paying for both people he can’t be out more than $10 depending on where they go and what they get. Personally, if I get to the coffee place before the other person I’m just gonna go ahead and buy my

“Indiana man sends woman written confirmation that she was right to ditch him” is how I would have gone.

So you complain about not enough POC being hired for jobs like this, but then when they do start getting hired, you bitch about how they get hired and who hires them. Got it. Thanks for not paying attention and shooting yourself and those like you in the foot because of another self-righteous purity test.

Without knowing all the details, it’s hard to unequivocally take one side or the other here.

Jacob Wohl wore a diaper for the sole purpose of triggering the libs. Victoria Mahoney was hired as the 2nd unit director of this movie because she is qualified. The fact that it’s going to get their jimmies rustled is just a nice bonus.

Except this point of view is about what’s right and just, and not merely centered around outright short-sighted sabotage to get some lols. So no. It’s not the same thing.

I’m ‘bout it. Anything that inspires a few more dumb fucking white-ass racist neckbeard pieces of shit to have chest-shredding heart attacks, I’m in favor of. And it’s on a Star Wars movie, to boot.

i just want a damn wendys downtown. gimme that spicy chicken

It’s more watchable now than Temple of Doom is, that’s for sure.

Well, that seals it: Spielberg is a better director than Michael Bay.

A WOMAN directing a movie starring a FEMALE comic book character?
It’s just crazy enough to work!

So, a diplomatic way of saying “Movies never get it right, but they amuse we professionals nonetheless.”

Don’t put your credit cards in it. Put things like your office key and your mass transit card.

Like you (like most people), I was raised by damaged parents, who shamed me from infancy for having needs that conflicted with theirs. So I totally understand why you believe that it is “hyper-sensitive” to say that you are hurt by someone else’s actions, especially if you don’t think they were intentionally hurtful.

Seriously. I haven’t watched the Simpsons since the late 90s when, in my opinion, the writing went downhill in its cleverness and incisiveness but I’m still shocked that a showrunner is using the National Review as some kind of defense of an episode.

For me, this has become less about Apu and more about the fact that the showrunner of The Simpsons is comfortable sharing an article from the National Review to defend his smirking contempt for fans willing to have a conversation.

The argument that Lisa was the mouthpiece for the writers’ shitty beliefs because she’s Apu’s friend is kind of insane, no?

I dunno, I’d put Uncle Sam below Scar there.