Belly Button Lint Connoisseur

Hopefully you’ll develop a new association with that name? POSITIVES MAN!

Sounds like a good horror movie to read the surprisingly detailed Wikipedia article’s PLOT section of.

It’s freaking ketchup. You might as well ask which star is best for heating the earth.

A hundred times this — with coarse sea salt. Unnnnnhhhh!

That is fair. I think it’s because I’ve had so much Raising Canes in my life and their fries are perfect for eating as much of their amazing made-in-house sauce as possible.

In 2018, in a blue state like New York, marijuana shouldn’t even be an issue.

You know what I love in games? Endings that only “make sense” if you’ve done optional missions. Oh, you didn’t like this movie? Well, did you remember to watch the tie-in web series that’s only found via deciphering codes on an entirely different website?

Of course a Daily Stormer would work at a place that deals in shit.

Ah. I wondered when the “I bet you’re fun at parties” comment would appear.’re the winner (and by “winner”, I actually mean the loser who is completely incapable of a reasoned response and therefore decides to pull out the most overused, unfunny and completely useless snark).

I feel like your avatar is your personality in a nutshell lol

That’s good, because it’s an immensely unpopular and unhelpful take. Unless you’re potentially dropping $50 a week on popcorn to satiate your crippling cinema addiction.

And, again, you’re purposefully overlooking to rich tradition of movies + popcorn to just be reductive.

oh my GODDDDDD get out of here with this. No, it’s not that hard. Yes, people do it all the time. Yes, popcorn and movie theatres are inseparably linked and continue to be a popular duo. No, no one is impressed that you can go to a movie and not spend any money on concessions.

Why does the pig have human hands?

Oh I’ve had it. I enjoy it greatly. I’m just reviewing ketchups with wide national distribution. Otherwise it’d be an impossible task.

Oh man, I knew the Kinjafication would bring in a bunch of idiots here, but seriously... We’re already on the third variation of “BUT IM WHITE WHAT ABOUT MY FEELS?”

Best take I’ve seen so far. Not that I’d expect less from Sean. But nice to see there can still be worthwhile content on what’s left of the AVC...

That has...nothing to do with this issue?

It definitely felt like an obviously bad take for the show. Very weird. The only thing I can think of to explain is that they figured it would stir up more controversy and pull in more viewers. A sad thought.

No one cares what you think.