Belly Button Lint Connoisseur

You forgot to mention that he has the best NASA pic of all time

Are you trying tell me that its possible to like something AND criticize it? What witchcraft is this!?

Make sure the water to dog ratio is correct

But my potato salad is so moist!

I really want Donald Glover to re-do(or at least read the scripts of) old Colt 45 ads as Billy Dee.

Anyone who doesn’t want to see Han and Chewie pull off a train heist is just a big stupid jerk. You better buckle up, baby. <3

Except Han Solo is not actually Harrison Ford *gasp*. Han Solo is a character, and I am perfectly ok with new actors bringing their own take to old characters. Honestly, I would be kinda bummed if it was just a Harrison Ford impression. Ehrenreich is a talented actor and I’ll judge him less for his ability to mimic

You could say the same thing about Donald Glover as Lando couldn’t you? Who would you have cast as Han?

“I sense she does not season her food” killed me.

probably won’t even put any paprika in there

This argument is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how media is created and consumed today. There is literally no element of exposing your readers to Williamson’s views that is accomplished by hiring him that could not already be accomplished by a hyperlink. If people were still reading print magazines, you

And manages to use outdated unacceptable racial terms even in character descriptions!

Your loss. Believe-it-or-not, there are noticeable differences between the two.

From her Facebook post that is linked to in the Post article (yes, I not only clicked through to the article, but then clicked through from there to her Facebook post. That’s how much I hate my job):

Do you just want to argue the semantics of the word “justice” or did seeing someone mention that the meat industry isn’t exactly known for their ethics rile you up for whatever reason?

That...isn’t what the study says at all, though.

Thank you for being rational. I’m vegetarian, but I don’t make a show out of it; a coworker of 8 years just found out I’m veg a month ago. Low. Key. That being said, if it comes up, most meat eaters get stupid defensive. It’s kind of sad how obvious they’re being. Pretty much as soon as the word “vegetarian” appears,

Well, this seems like one of those things where the data makes sense but kind of frames the conclusion in an odd way.