Belly Button Lint Connoisseur

Eh. I want to know more about Snoke, absolutely.

Maz Kanata straight up told her that her parents were never coming back and that she needed to stop clinging to the past.

I remember hearing that people on Usenet and whatever theorized Vader was lying about being Luke’s father in between films — which I just find hilarious on a storytelling level because of how it would immediately render that scene from the previous film useless and terrible. And also, what’s that reveal? Ghost Obi-Wan

What’s the saying? “The truth shall set you free...”

Did we really need to know about Snoke though? I think the whole message of TLJ was that the tropes and “cycle” we’ve seen before is silly and it’s time to break free of that, in-universe and out. Snoke was just going to end up being some regular old bad guy who was either burned by the Jedi, or messed with the dark

and who was Palpatine before the prequel trilogy and the internet?

Are people forgetting that the backstories of the emperor, Boba Fett, and so many other characters were pretty much non-existent within the movies? And that it was the fandom and supplementary media which fleshed the characters out years after the fact?

Because these ladies are “fire emoji, fire emoji, fire emoji!” and ergo cannot be “cool.”

rude and ungrateful.

There’s a reason that Luke doesn’t disbelieve Vader. Same concept.

I caught that, too. LOL’d in the theatre.

Eh, Rey’s background was, I think.

Everyone knows girls aren’t as cool as guys.

I think that’s kind of the point though...he set up the mystery to hit home the point that who Rey’s parents are don’t matter. It makes the lesson even stronger.

It was also all about cool guys doing cool stuff in a cool place as cool as possible and I fear this film will de-emphasize the coolness factor.

Call me a sucker, but I personally enjoyed seeing that gross fucker chopped in half early on. It was a nice twist followed by possibly the best action scene in the franchise.

You mean like say... Emperor Palpatine? From the original trilogy?

Hi. I’m a person and I don’t care where Rey’s powers come from. I’m not sure anyone other than super hardcore, weird fanboy Star Wars fans really care. It’s not important to her story, really, and is the whole reason why Kylo said she came from nothing. Not sure how you missed that really.

The original wasn’t about family at all, and it didn’t come into play in Empire until the very end. It mattered in Jedi and the prequels, which most people would consider the worst of the lot by some margin, and the series was most compelling when it was about a ragtag group of rebels with varied personalities that

I really, really hope not and I’m going to be pissed at Abrams if that turns out to be the case.