Belly Button Lint Connoisseur

Your Giants analogy proves the opposite of your point. Your opinion as a season ticket holder carries exactly no more weight than someone watching on TV once a years — in that they both carry no weight.

For your sake I really hope this is just a troll account and you aren’t really like this.

This is a good comment and a smart rebuttal to some of the points I raised. Just wanted to bump it up toward the top.

If spending the most money gives you the best Star Wars opinions, then the Disney corporation is the final arbiter on all things Star Wars. They spent $4 billion on it, and they really like The Last Jedi.


I didn’t think it looked silly. I thought it was a beautiful moment and made me emotional. And yes, why people think she was “flying” confounds me, when you clearly see her hand reach out, for the door, and then floating towards the door. Maybe it says more about the state of science education than anything else.

I have to say, Leia coming back was my favourite moment in the whole film. I got a lump in my throat. I don’t understand the criticisms of it. 1) The physics make sense. She is weightless in space, so even a slight force pull would be enough to pull herself to the ship. 2) Yes, we never saw her learn Jedi skills, but

I think, given the realities of a galaxy-wide community, the answer is fairly simple: there will always be an evil waiting in the wings to supplant the evil that came before. With despots and authoritarians (and wanna-be authoritarians) aplenty here on Earth, I don’t have a hard time imagining an entire galaxy full of

The reaction from the fanbase to this movie is so incredibly disappointing but ultimately not surprising. The state of today’s geekdom is why. Today’s nerds don’t want any challenge to their preconceptions of things, they only want the comfort of things they already enjoy. This is why something as absolute garbage of

...again, we want to stress we do not intend to offend anyone, and are only preserving a part of history that should remind us all of the senselessness of racial prejudice.”

Well, a less disingenuous way to do that would be to donate this item to a museum so that it could be placed in a proper context and supplemented

She’s an admiral. She doesn’t know Po - all she know about him is that he was just demoted for being a hotshot. She doesn’t have to explain the grand plan to a mere Captain.

The original trilogy didn’t bother with a backstory for Emperor either. It’s an aspect I like about these new films. Unlike the prequels, which tried to over explain everything (did we really need C-3PO’s ridiculous origin?) the new films just put stuff out there and ask us to just go with it (Snoke, how the First

“I really don’t like the idea of having to have read tie-in novels in order to understand what happens in the movie.” Eh, considering her family tree, I just rolled with it. But speaking of the tie-in material, it occurred to me that if you only watched Eps 4 - 8, you’d have no idea what the Sith were. I think Ren

I lived on a military base for 18 years and Holdo’s actions did not confuse me in the slightest. Didn’t give it a second thought. An Admiral is absolutely not going to share all their plans with someone of substantially lower rank. This is why obedience and chain of command are so important in militaries. You might

Anyway, since this is the Last Jedi spoiler area, I want to bring up how hilarious the shirtless Kylo Ren scene was. He’s trying to win Rey over to his side—the Force Awakens made a big deal about the turning to the Dark Side being a “seduction”—and his big idea is to take his shirt off. That’s literally something

Snoke seems like a plot device that wasn’t even really intended to be a mystery. Like, early on they decided that the Empire is the First Order now, and nobody really thought the backstory of the new emperor guy was all that important. Honestly, he seemed fairly boring—maybe if Force Awakens had established some

They made Luke Skywalker interesting. I love the original trilogy. I love Mark Hamill. I have read an ungodly amount of Expanded Universe stuff. And most of it, however hard it tries, can’t make Luke interesting. He’s The Hero, The Beacon of Hope, The Savior of the Galaxy, the Jediest Jedi in all of the Jedi. Even

I like that.

I’ll offer my defense of the Holdo logic hole here: She isn’t a good teacher, much as Poe isn’t a good student. 

I hope Kylo’s reveal to Rey about her parents is true. For fucking ONCE this series could use someone that isn’t tied to everyone else...