Belly Button Lint Connoisseur

Yeah, The Last Jedi is fantastic. Really welcome mix of drama, humor, and spectacle. It’s been a great year for sci-fi.

I know it’s just a mistake, but I choose to believe James Cameron has a poo house. Not a house made of poo, but a regular house with a decent-size bathroom that he uses to go poo.

Did you read the next line? Weinstein had only previously denied the allegations of the only two non-caucasian accusers.

Where your pennies would slowly accrue interest over a thousand years.

Lucky for them, the first 20 minutes of Last Jedi is just a series of scenes of characters miming

Fans pre-Dec. 15:

Who was that fucking Hyena in the room at 00:11? Is the Joker now against a fair and open internet? Jesus Christ, these fucking people.

Wow...America sucks.

What evidence do we have that ISPs will slow down access to certain websites? Other know...ISPs slowing down access to certain websites in the past. But I’m sure they’ve learned their lesson now and would never dream of doing it again.

I agree 1000%. Remember the thing where a beloved film can be seen over and over? We know what’s going to happen from the second time onward. It doesn’t ruin it.

There’s something wrong with the form. It insists that the email address be a number.

People overreact to spoilers. Not once has a spoiler on anything other than a murder mystery ruin anything for me.

It’s actually ok to let something not be about you

It’s almost like there were obstacles black people had to face that white people didn’t

Man, you really have a problem with black people getting credit for something, don’t you?

Reminder. If it had been left up to white people alone, there would be a pedophile in the senate right now.

What is wrong with white people? Are they so desperate for supremacy that child molestation isn’t a deal-breaker now?

They did show up in higher than expected numbers. The story is being a bit overplayed though, as black men also showed up. And white women and men showed up in lower than expected numbers, when they votes would likely have gone for your average Republican candidate.