Belly Button Lint Connoisseur

Honestly how the Good Place hasn’t gotten any nominations is just so goddamn baffling. Are the HFPA allergic to good comedies? And good performances?

lmao “We won’t always agree” means he’s definitely voting for the bill.

If you consciously voted for a abusive white supremacist because you felt spiteful that other people said mean things about you - such as you were stupid enough to consciously vote for a abusive white supremacist - you are objectively a stupid, selfish asshole.

Exactly. Conservatives voted for him because Liberals made fun of him (and them).

John Oliver...however....sleeps easy.

“especially in light of the fact that investigations by three other Congressional committees, and investigations in 13 states including a Grand Jury in Texas, have all shown that Planned Parenthood did nothing wrong.”

The hottest and most generic of takes.

Moleculo, the Molecular Man??

Sign me up for quality looking dinosaur nonsense.

Great the one thing I can usually eat at a dinner party – roasted vegetables – now get infected with more meat sauce. Thanks a bunch. Yes fish is meat.

While everybody else is pretending to be too cool for school, you and I will be enjoying dinosaurs (again) on a big screen.

Don’t listen to his suggestion about evacuating the dinosaurs by using some kind of teleportation machine. It will not end well!

As a Parks & Rec fan, I thought the message repeated over and over again was that Ron was a good, compassionate person with an honorable personal code of ethics, but his libertarianism, when applied to actual government, would be... Not great.

And that is how one roasts another one.

Grabbing women without permission is in fact sexual assault.

We have three choices: We can say we believe his accusers and then ask him to resign. We can say his accusers are lying and ignore them. We can say we believe his accusers but his good work outweighs his wrongs.

Fuck Roy Moore.

While it might not be racist, it is certainly racist adjacent.