Belly Button Lint Connoisseur

GREAT example. What about the person who DIES in both examples? Should they be considered, maybe, or should we worry more about the person accused?

Tell me, Wombat: Why do you hate metaphors so much?

Dirt tastes better than dog shit, but that still doesn’t mean I’m going to eat it.

Yeah, that’s not actually a distinction we need to concern ourselves with right now. Oh, and it absolutely is something Hoffman has been accused of in multiple instances by several people.

Anyone who ever mutters “pain/oppression olympics” is automatically a piece of shit.

You mean go under for simple orthodontic surgery? And risk having negroes and un-wed mothers root through his pockets while he’s out? NO THANK YOU!

The...the content of this article seems to entirely contradict the section it’s published under, “Great Job, Internet!” ?

Even the cynic in me wants him to resign. Dem governor. It’s all good.

When the fire starts to burn, there’s a lesson Rupert must learn. Something something then you’ll see, you’ll avoid catastrophe

Look what happened to Elizabeth Banks.

I don’t know, dude. It seems to me like one’s values and morals shouldn’t be determined by what evil people are doing.

Good luck reselling that landspeeder once the XP-38 comes out.

To me, insisting that multiple credible accusations of sexual misconduct render one unfit to serve in the Senate seems like the exact opposite of surrendering.

I don’t know why the Democrat Minnesota governor would appoint a Republican pervert to take the seat though.

Every High School Bully, cyber troller, and borderline anger management flunkies are working for ICE now. Every person who believes they are the only true Americans work there now.

So Schlöndorff confirms that Hoffman was harassing and assaulting people on set. 

There’s never the wrong time. Decorum is fiction. People just don’t want to feel uncomfortable when they’re not prepared for it. Well, get prepared.

Er, you know John Oliver isn’t a journalist, right? And yet, a lot of journalists aren’t and haven’t been asking these questions. Sexual harassment is “rude” and “entirely unwelcome,” yet it’s been treated as a big joke by Hollywood for decades.

Nope. Oliver brought up harassment allegations against Hoffman while they were discussing a movie centered around harassment allegations. It’s literally the perfect time to ask Hoffman about them.