Belly Button Lint Connoisseur

Which really, really says something.

It’s funny because it’s soon to be true!

but mostly by people too stupid to become local cops.

Select Russian athletes may be allowed to compete in the games in “neutral uniforms, but if they win a medal, it won’t be entered into the record books as a Russian win. 

The issue is that CNN has all the ample problems that come with being a corporate-sponsored TV news channel, while Trump is attacking the idea of journalism in concept. If it’s a choice between sensationalized reporting and outright propaganda, I reluctantly choose the former.

I mean, all your criticisms are valid,

You mean the same Jimmy Dore who said that he preferred Trump over Hillary because Trump would unite the opposition? The one who was “just asking questions” about whether the DNC assassinated Seth Rich? The one who is currently downplaying Flynn’s guilty plea as a nothingburger?

And you thought NBC was a mess when they cancelled Community.

He probably thought it was off the record banter with a soccer mom.

Everything else aside, why on earth would that executive say anything besides “Legal says I’m not allowed to comment on that”?

Good thing you said sorry first, before making an idiotic statement.

No, admirable needs to rise above common decency.

Hey now. I’ve been drunk in plenty of Waffle Houses plenty of times, and I have never treated the staff like garbage.

I think that goes without saying, but I don’t think me < .08 BAC is ducking back behind a grill to make myself food at a restaurant.

Amen! Now, let’s go watch some white guys express their creativity while doing blackface.

What if - and I’m just spitballin’ here - movies aren’t necessarily an accurate depiction of reality, and this isn’t something to be overly concerned about?

What the guy did was admirable since he paid and could have been much worse.

There was ONE person in the store, sleeping. IF you’re going to do this - try not to get the poor student fired by posting all over social media. or gently wake them. Yes, this was a dereliction of duty - but have some damn compassion. How many jobs do you have?

Also no one seems to care that he thanked vodka for his decision, and admittedly drove there!