Belly Button Lint Connoisseur

They don’t need one single jot more media attention than they’ve received, is the thing. It normalizes them, which is kind of the opposite of what a civilized and functional society usually does.

Time always insists that the Person of the Year isn’t necessarily intended to be an honor, but it almost always bows to politics to prevent someone truly infamous from being named. See, for instance, 2001, in which it selected Rudy Giuliani instead of Osama bin Laden.

No kidding! I keep hoping that they open up round 2 for additional funding. They have my 15 bucks!

Here’s comes the part where he writes that Irish people were treated as bad as black people, yet managed to overcome it all, so why can’t black people.

Gawker is a fifth-rate AV Club.

Honestly, there were doing this well before the Kinja takeover. I’m not too bothered by it—I gave up caring about the creeping flood of clickbait articles some time ago—though on some level, I do understand that ths kind of distracting sideshow plays right into Trump’s hands. He may not plan for us to obsess over

Giving the gun you used to murder 4 people to a coworker for safekeeping is...well not the smartest decision in the world.

Um, no. That was an almost year long process from the time it left committee. It was in Obama’s second year in office that it passed- and it was one of his first agenda items. Do not believe GOP propaganda. It is NOT the same.
 The Senate debate for the ACA was the second longest consecutive session in congressional

Don’t give up your day job because your comedy is shit and homophobic . We’ll all look forward to your painful death by spider bites

Nobody wants this movie. How could the studios be so stupid as to actually bid on this crap idea?

I mean, I’d say most people would find releasing a movie about a cult leader on the 50th anniversary of the murders he inspired (particularly one made by a director like Tarantino) at least a little distasteful.

Oooh, we got the rare twofer non-apology: The stuff I don’t remember doing was a long time ago and times were different back then.

This is just gross.

I guess we’ll all just get off of your lawn now, and bring the Lucasfilm Story Group with us.

Don’t forget about crossword puzzle designers.

Way to use a Hasty Generalization Fallacy to say that people shouldn’t have opinions that disagree with your own. Honestly I just find your nonsensical hot takes to be hilarious at this point.

My “fuck, I’m old” moment came when I was sitting in the theater and a pre-trailer promo for Jumanji described the original as “a beloved classic from your childhood.” I always remembered it as a middling Robin Williams comedy with crummy CGI effects and that one weird scene where all the adults panic and start

It's not so bad. It's not like roasted chickens are going to be eaten whole by a single person. A normal portion (breast or leg/thigh combo) will only be rubbed with a small portion of the stick, and that portion will decrease significantly as butter drips off the chicken during cooking. As long as no one gets too