Belly Button Lint Connoisseur

Gotta respect it.

Shut up, nerd. 

...this is no roller coaster. It is a reverse bungee. 

Stop trying to solve my problem and just let me fucking hate something. 

They do not. 

Each show is not its own thing. 

And I hate it.

I truly hate every bit of this.

This is not the vibe I got from Katie Rife’s review on this site.

Getting all nitty gritty here, but while Farmiga and Wilson are in ANNABELLE COMES HOME, but they’re not the heroes of the picture, as they’re out of town for most of the doll’s demonic shenanigans.

I’ve seen their sketches before, and I do like how petulant he is. 

I did not remember what he looked like until I looked it up. Or that he existed. 

Because it’s familiar.

This was not the case in Watch Dogs 1. Lot of fighting in Watch Dogs 1. 

Why does everyone in the comments seem to hate Ethan Winters?

I unironically adore Ethan because he’s a loser. Absolutely in over his head.

Elon Musk wants to be Hank Scorpio, but he has none of Scorpio’s charm. 

Look, whether or not you think this is worth $70 is a decision you gotta make for yourself, but “hours” is not the only metric. 

I’m seeing double!

I also hate loot. Not here for gambling.

Just let me play the game.