Belly Button Lint Connoisseur

“You knew that the deal was shitty and exploitative when you signed on” doesn’t make the deal any less shitty and exploitative man. 

Of course he left the project. When an opportunity to make easy money doing right wing “poor me” grifting presents itself, you just have to pursue it. 

I guess he is in it, so maybe? 

They look bad. 

I have to believe that was intentional. 

The answer is no. 

Is this really a spoiler type show though? I’ll grant that having Evan Peters show up was about as close to a surprise as you’re gonna get with MCU anymore, but at some point in either this episode or the next one they’re gonna do a big villain reveal, and it’s glaringly obvious that Kathryn Hahn is the villain. You

Maybe it’s Magneto?

I don’t know man, I feel like it’s pretty clear that Kathryn Hahn is gonna end up being whatever sort of villain who’s pushing Wanda to put together the fake world. I’s the MCU, and the simplest narrative explanation is usually the correct one.

Oh for fuck’s sake this is absolute weak sauce. 

bReAkInG a PeRfEcTlY gOoD iNsTrUmEnT fOr ThE pErFoRmAnCe Is ShItTy

Shut up nerd. 

In this bit, it sounds like Patrick Wartburton is telling us that he had sex with Eartha Kitt when he was 22 years old.

This movie isn’t even all of the first book. 

I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but the animation style in Space Jam 2 looks very bad.

There may have been a Pepsi with Coffee released last year, but I distinctly remember another Coke with Coffee called Blāk.

I had a launch PS4, and the only reason I needed to upgrade was the jet engine sound I got when playing. 

Sorry, but this man is a textbook case for an insanity defense.

shut up nerd. 

I found this to be largely true of the first two seasons, and it bums me out that it seems to have gotten worse. 

Can’t wait to hear Ryan Reynolds make tired, obvious jokes about Disney buying Fox.

Spider-Man 3 is great. I’ll grant that it’s plot messier than 1 or 2, but the human moments fucking soar.