
They do exist, after all:

Never been to an Aldi but part of the appeal of trader Joe’s is that it’s cheap.

Because black business owners face systemic discrimination.

As someone who had their mind blown during Fight Club’s theatrical run: THIS. The way manbaby fuckheads have co-opted the movie makes me reluctant to talk openly about how much I like it these days.

I live for that Social Network quote. God, it’s so good.

The best explanation I heard was this. So many of these guys are the basement dwelling stereotypes you read about, the ones who can’t get a date. They’ve convinced themselves that it’s because they like comics and SF and fantasy and nerdy things that girls don’t get. Now, with more and more women becoming fans and

“What started as a controversial term for fellatio...”

I saw a pickup with blue truck nuts the other day. Said pickup also sported the following bumper stickers:

Mine are basically fused together. I’ll be a mermaid soon enough.

LW1 if you’re going to hook up with a guy, do it because you’re horny and he turns you on, if you’re going to have a relationship with a guy do it because you want to feel emotionally close to him. Do not, under any circumstances, do either of these thing if you are trying to validate your identity. Get comfortable

LW2: This does not sound like a relationship between people who consider each other emotional equals. I mean, this guy was willing to be kept as a secret by a woman he wanted to marry for 6 years, he frames getting his education as a means the become worthy of her, and he’s afraid to even mention studying with a woman

“We have major trust issues, but married anyway”

A thank you note is hardly a love letter.

Nice try, but Trump is still President.

The day the last person uses the word “memelord” is the day we all benefit. Fuck, but the 4Chanization of Facebook and other internet spaces is such a really annoying thing to deal with.

I hate the gun death cult in our country. I hate the distortion of the historical record that has brainwashed people to believe that the Second Amendment has anything to do with an individual right to own guns. How sad that someone can have almost unfettered access to a tool of death.

I am currently in “fuck humanity, and especially fuck men” mode because I made the mistake of reading the comments on this news story on another site, which were absolutely full of “he should have just killed his ex instead of an innocent person” and “it’s obviously his ex’s fault for leaving him” and “his ex was

This appears to be a tweet from the grandson of the gentleman who was killed in the video.

Same day as the Virginia Tech massacre. (I remember this because when crappy things happen on your birthday, you remember the date.)