
And poo. We can all tell DT doesn’t wipe properly. He’s got some poo scent.

The comments here are making me glad my current fuckbuddy has zero qualms about making a mess. I do have to go home and bleach my duvet cover again but it’s better than some horrible infection.

Ditto, that’s shitty. I have to plan a bachelorette for my best friend and I know what she likes to do so that’s what we’re doing.

I used to think that way, but I battled depression for a long time and largely consider my younger years a bust. Now that I’ve figured out how to enjoy being alive, I want it to last as long as possible. Getting rolled into a rock concert by a great-grandkid at 100+ years old seems like the perfect “fuck you” to the

I used to work at a sports venue. The flyovers would always make my blood boil. How many sick kids can you treat (said sports venue was spitting distance to the best children’s hospital in the country, btw) with the money those planes cost to build and put in the air?

It’s hard to feel America’s role in the last few wars it’s started has been particularly admirable either.

I remember feeling kinda bad for McCain after W beat him because he had to kiss ass to someone who ran a brutal campaign against him (SNL had an awesome Saturday TV Funhouse about it). Those feelings ended completely at Sarah Palin and have gotten worse and worse since.

Fassbender’s been in some pretty stellar movies, too. Fish Tank was fucking awesome.

Ditto, I thought the first Thor was hilarious.

Hiddleston was never sexy. Cate Blanchett is always sexy.

The last time I talked to my father was election night when I drunkenly called his Trump voting ass to yell at him for it. We’re in Massachusetts so it didn’t really matter, but fuck him anyway.

EXACTLY, fuck Ivanka... Maya might be the funniest person on earth. Let’s pay attention to her instead.

EXACTLY, fuck Ivanka... Maya might be the funniest person on earth. Let’s pay attention to her instead.

Watching it turns my stomach. I’m sure I’m not the only woman here who knows how it feels when men look at you like that, you can feel it it, like their eyes are crawling all over your skin. And it’s the President of the US doing it. To the President of France’s wife.

Yeah, what’s that business with him always being “in on the joke”? Like... what part is funny exactly?

The way he uses exclamation points makes me really uncomfortable.

I think she was speaking to her experience with racism, realizing how pervasive it is even when you already knew it was there. White people’s perspective on experiencing racism can only come from listening to POC. We don’t experience it ourselves. Our understanding of it is always going to be different.

Right on, thank you. I don’t remember how old I was when I started getting clued in, but I definitely have friends I’ve pointed things out to who really just hadn’t thought of it before. And a lot of it, sexism wise, anyway, is that a lot of things just seem normal when you grow up with it. Being commented on or

And here I was under the impression the monarchy was the last thing you go to England to check out.

Not totally on-topic, but the number of people Putin seems to have under control is kind of terrifying. Brilliant, depraved, and power hungry are never a good combination.